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Final Santa Claus Oath Ceremony

Michael Rielly

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Howard's life is truly an example we should all strive to attain. Thanks for sharing more of his life, Phil, in this format.

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Christmas-Leaf.pngPhil, may the time and energy you have spent making this all possible be sent back to you in blessings. You truly are a remarkable person. You are an inspiration of good will and love to the Santa Community.

Blessed Be,

Debra Ann

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All this lost history that's starting to come back is great!! Can't wait to see more of it.

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This is really going to be great fun! by the time we get to Albion, they will have a full museum for us to see. Howard's book of Good Kids is one item of many I am really anxious to see! Lets see, only 22 more days till Charlie Howard Day! ho ho ho!

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What year by the looks of the kids clothes to my memory the 50's?

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I would think your close...I would say circa 1958-1962-ish from the look of the coats and hats.

I wore winter clothes just like those the boys are wearing I was 6 in 1958 so I think we are in the right era.

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Another great image. Those photos always bring nostalgia and tradition to mind. Thanks for sharing, Phil!

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I used to wear hats like that in the very early 60's

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I remeber having coats and hats like that as well.

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Hi Phil,

I would very much like to add my name to the Oath as well, with my real signature. My home is in Streamwood, it is in easy driving distance of yours. Let me know if it would be convenient to meet with you. If this is possible, give me a time and date, tell where and I'll be there to sign the Santa Claus Oath. Hope to hear from you.

Best Wishes,

John Sullivan

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Santa David Hoopes is the Oath Committee member for your area. Contact Dave and he will help you.

Thank you!

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I'm getting more and more excited each day. I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas!!

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Wow that is great,reminds me of Christmas past as well, my dog could have been Charlie's dog's twin.

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That was Wonderful . Hope to be half as good as CW waswhistling.gif .my self. Santa Felix Said my name was to be with the oath what a great honor.yes.gif

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Oh my...I'm still wiping away tears. It so reminds me of when I was a small child back in the mid sixties and the magic of your family being together and celebrating love together.

Thanks, Phil...it really touched my heart.

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Wow, what a great video, Brings back a lot of memories for me as well. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I will put in the request for time off again, In July it was approved for the Albion Event, first the Thursday was cancelled then I was called back to work Friday,goo thing I did not have non refundable tickets.

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I'll be there!

Me too, room is already booked I can hardly wait.

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I will be there, and for Bob Elkin I WILL bring chocolate chip cookies!

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ho ho ho JerryO!

If you are bringing the Chocolate Chip Cookies, then you know I'll be there! Wish I could be joining you guys for the Charles W. Howard School next weekend, but I will be clowning around with my balloons, entertaining the kids and collecting those smiles.

What an awesome weekend we had in Albion, truly great to have shared so many laughs and yet so much reverence as we celebrated the life and times of Charles W. Howard. The Santa Claus Oath presentation in the very Church that Charles Howard worshiped in was just so very special.

I purchased the book written by Lois Johnson about Charlie, he was and is truly a huge inspiration to our Santa community. It was indeed an honor to step in his footsteps and to really learn so very much about this man, recorded as the Dean of Santa Claus in the Congressional Record in 1966.

I read in her book they estimated 5 million children had climbed on his lap, WOW!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I will be there with bells on. Can't wait. And it is the day after my birthday, too. No better present!

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I look forward to experiencing this exciting, historical event

and to enjoying the company of all my fellow Santa family members.

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Sorry I can't be there, this "Santa" makes his arrival at the mall the night before :crying:. Yes, it is 3 weeks before Black Friday.

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I haven't made firm plans yet but I hope to be able to go .


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Looking forward to attending. The history of those before us and the honor to be part of the ongoing history is an honor.

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Love it! Thanks, Phil!

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Awesome video and tribute, Phil.


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Great Job Phil, I always love your video's and history lessons. It will be good to see everyone again just before all the hustling starts.

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A committee of local business people and history enthusiast have applied for state grants to secure the old Albion Public Library to turn it into a historical preservation building that will feature the collected Charles Howard artifacts. This has been on the planning stages for several months. The news came that the applications for funding have been accepted. A lot of people have been working on this and hope it can be completed by Fall 2012.

Part of CWH day was the presentation to the public of this great story of this unique man. A lot of locals did not know the story and now they do. These plans have been common knowledge to those who have been connected or are connected to Howard’s old enterprises, i.e., Christmas Park Property, Howard Homestead, etc, etc…as they are part of the story.

It took 44 years for Howard to be publicly honored in his hometown or any where for that manner, now the first steps of a permanent exhibit have taken place.

That is all that I can say this time.

This will be great for anyone who's missed CWH Day; we'll still have a chance to view the artifacts. These artifacts deserve to have a permanent home and I can think of no better place than Albion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Phil:

Looking forward to see you next week at the ceremony. Sent a couple of emails directly through Santa Oath, but not to sure you got them. Was wondering since I'm in town would it be possible to view the Miller and Roads Legendary Santa material you have. I totaly understand if you don't have the time with all that is going on. However, this would be a great opputunity for me. If I can be of help while I'm there don't hesitate to call on me.

Looking forward to an outstanding weekend!

Your Brother In Claus,

Tom Long

aka Singing Santa Claus

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Phil - If this list contains the names of those whom you know are attending the final oath ceremony,

please add my name to it (Bob Karrick). Thanks.

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Santa Charlie and I had hoped to be able to make the trip to Santa Claus, Indiana right up until a couple days ago when we were given an opportunity to tape a Christmas special for our local ABC affiliate here in Birmingham. This rehearsals will start on Nov. 7th and there's just no way we can make the trip there and back and be ready.

It was a difficult decision but when we weighed all the options, of which there were only a few, we made the decision to go forward with the

show as we had been courting them for the last 3 years to do something like this and felt we simply couldn't back out after pursuing them so vigorously in the past.

We sure are going to be thinking of all the lucky folks that are able to attend this wonderful event. We most definitely will be there in spirit and look forward to seeing all the photos, videos, etc.

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  • 9 months later...

Phil, I have been asked many times and it seems I am being asked more and more about signing the Oath by folks who did not get the chance to attach their signature to the signatory page of the Santa Claus Oath before the final Oath Ceremony last November. I would imagine you have also been asked many times...as I know others have asked...

I believe it might be prudent to consider if there is some possibility you could create something that would allow these folks who want to follow the eight principles of the Santa Claus Oath to be afforded the honored opportunity to sign the Oath?

I don't know if this might be possible, but as I said a lot of Santas have asked me, so I am asking you. Thanks!

Edited by Santa Bob Elkin
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Phil, I have been asked many times and it seems I am being asked more and more about signing the Oath by folks who did not get the chance to attach their signature to the signatory page of the Santa Claus Oath before the final Oath Ceremony last November. I would imagine you have also been asked many times...as I know others have asked...

I believe it might be prudent to consider if there is some possibility you could create something that would allow these folks who want to follow the eight principles of the Santa Claus Oath to be afforded the honored opportunity to sign the Oath?

I don't know if this might be possible, but as I said a lot of Santas have asked me, so I am asking you. Thanks!

Doesn't that kind of defeat the whole point of a permanent Time Capsule?

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Doesn't that kind of defeat the whole point of a permanent Time Capsule?

I don't know, the Time Capsule is dated November 6th, 2010 and has the signatures of everyone up to that date, could not something else be created that would not interfere with the history of the Time Capsule, yet would allow all the folks who come after Nov 6th 2010 an opportunity to sign, believe in and practice the Santa Claus Oath??

The Palm Tree Santas stand, hold hands and recite the Santa Claus Oath at each of our gatherings, from time to time we have new folks who join us, just because they were not involved before Nov 6th, 2010, they can never sign the Santa Claus Oath??

I believe we should honor the Santa Claus Oath's history and yet still if we can find a way to keep it alive and current among all of us, won't that be better for the Santa Claus community?

Edited by Santa Bob Elkin
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Actually, I just had an idea that may work. I will discuss with Phil later.

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There are discussions taking place on this very issue. We will let you know more once things are finalized.

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  • 1 month later...

Doesn't that kind of defeat the whole point of a permanent Time Capsule?

I agree I would like to take the oath and sign the book............... :spinthanks:

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I would as well, I was not a member here nor knowledgeable of such the oath at the time that it was sealed, If there is a way to have a 2nd generation Santa Claus Oath signatory book started that would be great, then when it reaches a certain age, start yet another. To preserve all those previous, and current ones.

Now something else I just reminded myself to do, contact Palm Tree Santas about joining the ranks

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    • Published by William B. Gilley in 1821, “The Children’s Friend. Number III. A New-Year’s Present to the Little Ones from Five to Twelve”, is believed to be the first book published in America to include lithographic illustrations. This book includes a poem about “Santeclaus” along with eight colored illustrations.

      However, what makes this book significant is the poem and illustrations are thought to be the earliest known visual representation of Santa Claus in a sleigh pulled by reindeer. The poem also marks Santa’s first appearance on Christmas Day rather than December 6, the feast day of St. Nicholas.


      The Children’s Friend. Number III.
      A New-Year’s Present to the Little Ones from Five to Twelve
      by William B. Gilley, 1821

      Old Santeclaus with much delight
       His reindeer drives this frosty night.
       O’er chimney tops, and tracks of snow,
       To bring his yearly gifts to you.

       The steady friend of virtuous youth,
       The friend of duty, and of truth,
       Each Christmas eve he joys to come
       Where love and peace have made their home”

       Through many houses he has been,
       And various beds and stockings seen,
       Some, white as snow, and neatly mended,
       Others, that seem’d for pigs intended.

       Where e’er I found good girls or boys,
       That hated quarrels, strife and noise,
       Left an apple, or a tart,
       Or wooden gun, or painted cart;

       To some I gave a pretty doll,
       To some a peg-top, or a ball;
       No crackers, cannons, squibs, or rockets,
       To blow their eyes up, or their pockets.

       No drums to stun their Mother’s ear,
      Nor swords to make their sisters fear;
      But pretty books to store their mind
       With knowledge of each various kind.

       But where I found the children naughty,
       In manners rude, in temper haughty,
       Thankless to parents, liars, swearers,
       Boxers, or cheats, or base tale-bearers,

       I left a long, black, birchen rod,
       Such as the dread command of God
       Directs a Parent’s hand to use
       When virtue’s path his sons refuse
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    • 10 Essentials to Being a Better Santa
      Here are some DOs and DON'Ts on being Santa

      Treat every child with respect.

      Never make fun of a child.

      Look into the child’s eyes when you speak to them.

      Speak softly. Children are sharing confidences with you.

      Acknowledge a child’s requests even if you don’t understand them.

      Never promise a toy request to avoid a child’s disappointment.

      Never promise a pet. Santas a toymaker and only animals produce pets.

      If the child can’t remember their wish list, assure them you know what they want.

      Never leave a child wondering if Santa heard their Christmas wishes.

      Every child worries about being on Santas “Naughty or Nice List”. Tell each child “You’re on the “Nice List.” It will bring happiness to everyone!   

      Santa Lou Knezevich is the creator of the Legendary Santas Mentoring Program
      Contact Santa Lou at: LegendarySantasMentoringProg@gmail.com
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    • How do You Portray Santa?
      Portraying Santa is acting; it is a characterization of a mythical character.

      Most of us never think of ourselves as actors, but we are. Certain characteristics of Santa Claus have been handed down from one generation to another. The way we dress and conduct ourselves all follow an established pattern.

      Santa Claus is one of the most recognizable characters throughout the world. This came about from the advertising campaign of the Coke Cola Company and the creative painting genius, of Haddon Sundblom. Coke Cola was looking to increase winter sales of its soft drink and hired Sundblom to produce illustrations for prominent magazines. These illustrations appeared during the holiday season from the late 1930s into the early 1970s and set the standard for how Santa should look.

      This characterization of Santa with rosy cheeks, a white beard, handlebar mustache plus a red costume trimmed in white fur is the image most everyone has in their minds. Unconsciously people are going to judge you against that image. If your beard isn’t white or you have a soiled suit it will register with the onlooker.

      By the way, the majority of Sundblom's paintings depict Santa with a Brown Belt and Brown Boots. Not until his later illustrations did he change the color to Black for these items. Within the past few years many costume companies have offered the Coke Cola Suit and it has become very popular. You can tell it by the large buttons and absence of fur down the front of the jacket.

      No matter how you portray Santa, be it home visits, schools, churches, parades, corporate events, malls, hospitals we all make an entrance and an impression! The initial impression we make determines if our client will ask us to return.

      The 5 Second Rule

      I have a theory: When you enter the presence of your audience you have about 5 seconds to make people believe you are the real Santa.
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    • Not Everyone Can Be Santa!
      Yes, I said it and it is not meant to hurt anyone’s feelings. I do view many Facebook sites along with websites and posted photos. Frankly, many of these postings should have never been put on public display.
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      Every New Year’s Eve at the stroke of midnight, millions around the world traditionally gather together to sing the same song, “Auld Lang Syne”. As revilers mumble though the song’s versus, it often brings many of them to tears – regardless of the fact that most don’t know or even understand the lyrics. Confusion over the song’s lyrics is almost as much of a tradition as the song itself. Of course that rarely stops anyone from joining in.
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