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Let the Styling Begin

Santa TJS

Viewed: 1,004 times

As fall is arriving I have begun the annual ritual with my whisker sets. I take them out and wash and rest set them all. Right now in my basement workshop there are three sets all pinned up to styrofoam heads. Each set has been hand washed with baby shampoo and combed out straight. I then go through the trimming and curling process. The beards each get stray hairs trimmed then set with foam culers. The hair is rolled up from the bottom of the beard. The wigs are curled up and under. The longer I leave the curlers in the better the set. My moustaches get a second cleaning ,thie first was last December,then are combed waxed and curled.Then everything is hair netted and covered until the first apperance right after Thanksgiving. I find having my hairgoods ready along with the suits I then have time for all of the other things required in the holiday season.In the fall I have the time to get the beard and wigs the way I want them as I am not rushed by buying presents and putting up decorations.I love decorating as much as I love portraying Santa so putting up the outside decor along with three trees inside takes up some time.


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