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  1. I have had enough of the chest beating like a gorilla in the wild trying to intimidate their perceived competition.

    I am posting text from a website.  To me, this text is profound.  It is what we who portray the legend and spirit of Christmas (Santa Claus, St. Nicholas, or whatever name you choose to give the legend) should embrace every single day.  I am fairly certain I know who owns the site.  From the text below, you can tell you they do not want to be identified.  And that (being unidentified) is the purpose.

    "The real Santa Claus worked in secret. And he worked to remain anonymous, too.
    His interest was in giving — not taking.
    He had nothing to sell. Money was the furthest thing from his mind.
    Many people have tried to change that over the years.
    But Santa — the REAL Santa — has not forgotten where he comes from."
     - Anonymous

    When you dress as Santa for every day public view and it is not as a contracted/scheduled appearance, you do this for yourself.  You may say that you do it for the children, but that is a passive aggressive way to boost your own ego.  We are ruining the legend when we do this.  Seeing Santa everywhere in every possible location makes him so much less than special.  It dilutes the mystery tremendously.  And hundreds if not thousands of men are doing it daily with no respect or regard for that legend.  Its all about them.  And it does nothing more than drive people away from the real reason for the season, too.  And He is why we have this celebration.  The sacrifice of His Son is also disrespected when we push ourselves on others.

    The ego in men's hearts and minds is killing the legend.  What a shameful lot we have become.  I am to the point where I know where Jesus came from when he drove the money changers out of the temple.  I feel like I should pick up a stick at get to clearing out the temple myself.

  2. A Lesson in Storytelling: I have long collected history and story books on Christmas and Santa Claus. While this collection started out just for pure enjoyment, I now find these books a great resource to me in my portrayal. 

    I was reminded on a recent family road trip of a very special book, after enjoying the audio version with the family.

    “Letters From Father Christmas” This is a collection of illustrated letters from “Father Christmas” recapping the activities of the preceding year at the North Pole. The letters were written by the author J.R.R. Tolkien (yes THAT J.R.R. Tolkien) to his children from 1920-1942. These letters, precious and creative gifts from a master storyteller, were shared with the world after his death and published in 1976. How lucky we are as a community, to have been gifted with a look at these special and person family treasures.  

    Many historians believe that these letters and stories were some of the building blocks to The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. It’s even said that Gandalf had his early beginnings as Tolkien’s Father Christmas. 

    I highly recommend you purchase a copy of these letters and even pick up the audio version. While I am not saying to copy the stories in your portrayal, it has always been clear that Tolkien created his worlds...he fleshed them out. 

    From the battle of the goblins and elves, to the troubles of the polar bears, to the Arctic language and more, Tolkien helped make the North Pole and Father Christmas REAL for his own children. From his drawing to even the shakiness of his handwriting, he created layers of story. 

    I believe this is what can be done, in our mind, at the ready, create your layers and depth of your character. It has been said, looking the part just is not enough. When I am portraying Santa Claus, it is my hope that my ramblings and details could only mean one thing to those I visit...that perhaps, just maybe... I really am Santa Claus. 🎅🏻



  3. When I was a little boy I thought (as many little boys do) that my Dad had the greatest job in the world. He was the sergeant of police for a little town in West Virginia called Nitro. My Dad would drive down our street and would turn on the sirens for my friends and I who ran out to wave at him as he passed - such an Opie-like thing to do. But at Christmas my Dad had a very important job to perform. He was the chauffer of an international celebrity. When things were calm in Nitro my Dad would drive Santa Claus all over town to visit as many as 30 families an evening. At the end of the evening it never failed that Santa Claus would stop at our house to rest before Dad would drive him to a little field outside of town where he had landed the sleigh and tied the reindeer.

    Of course, I now know Santa was none other than Santa Claus Hall of Famer Jay Long. As I look back I can only imagine that he was hot and uncomfortable. But Jay (MY Santa to this day) would sit in the floor of my living room with me and play with my toys and talk with me. He would laugh and have fun with me just as if I was the first child of those 30 visits. He always seemed just as happy to see me as I was to see him. Despite the discomfort and heat, despite the family that was waiting for him at home, and despite not having his dinner Santa Claus took time to play with a little boy and truly give him a memory that sticks with him to this present day. I have learned quite a lot from Jay. He is my number 1 mentor. But that scene goes with me everywhere. I learned from Santa what it truly means to give of yourself to a child who believes. And that is what I strive to do.

    As I look back on those visits I am reminded of the thousands of men (and women) who have visited so many little boys and girls in towns across this whole wide world. I think of how they went out, often in the snow and cold, to see each child. I think of the discomfort, the warm houses and even warmer suits. I think of how they missed meals and their own Christmas festivities with their families. I wonder why they did it. Then I realize that it was for that smile of a child. I realize that they sacrificed for that one precious thing. A child's hopes and dreams meant something. You know what? They still do. More than silver, gold, sacrifice, or anything else you can imagine.

    Many of these folks we will never know. Each had a life, dreams, hopes, and beliefs as all people do. Because of fate, they will remain nameless citizens of the past who, outside the red suit, are lost to time save for being Santa to a child one Christmas long ago. Their face might be recalled as someone finds an old picture album or something of the sort and they are pointed out. Perhaps a department store archive holds their names and old addresses. But to the world at large they are Santa and Santa alone. But they were linked in their belief of making glad the heart of childhood. They truly were servants of childhood.

    I guess I am a horse and buggy in a jet age. I am truly sorry, but the more I strive to be a simple "Hometown Santa" I find that I am not up to the standards of the "new generation." I could care less about being a year-round Santa millionaire and star. Santa isn't the star of Christmas, never has been. He is a herald to the Reason. But not the way it is seen today. It seems to me that folks are too busy getting all of the bells and whistles without the propulsion system that drives a Santa Claus. Why, in a recent search and examination of websites belonging to Santas I found more posts about a beard than I did about how important it is to the Santa to bring joy to a child. Real or not, with a good picture on the page and public knowledge of what he looks like, Santa doesn't have to advertise that he has a beard. That is vanity. While viewing a video posted I read the title was something like "Thanks from Santa." It saddened me that the word "children" was never really mentioned - it was a pitch for more and bigger business along with a five minute speech on where he had performed. I read posts both for and against children seeing multiple Santas in one place. I hear "I, I, I," and "Me, Me, Me." "I am Santa here." "They should hire ME for that instead of the Santa they have." Product after product touts that "I am the REAL Santa." Social media has created a monster in that all of these things are celebrated in group after group. Read some of the daily posts. Folks are too busy worrying about the physical appearance and about getting the other Santa's gig. Instant stardom is the unachieved fashion of the community. Not sure why, as everyone seems to truly be an expert. Education in any field is a good thing. But every teacher SHOULD NOT have his or her own school! I find it all so EGO centered and so contrary to the pattern set down by not only those Santas who have gone before but also St. Nicholas. Would he even recognize us as carrying on his legacy? In my studies of his character and life I have to logically conclude that he would not. If we have departed that much from the model, then I am saddened and afraid for what the future holds!

    In all of this nonsense, we are forgetting what it means to be a Santa. We are forgetting the belief and standard that was given to us - the joy of giving of one's self and the bringing of magic and wonder to children. Not to mention the spreading of the Message of Christmas. We need to stop and reevaluate this thing. I am afraid that the iceberg is ahead. I am trying to post a picture with this blog of a Santa and children from a New Orleans department store circa 1955. Look at the faces of the children, particularly the eyes. Trust and full belief. Then look at Santa. There is a sense of duty and compassion, wrapped in love. Please, evaluate why you put on that suit. Are you in it for the paycheck or fame? Or are you in it to serve? Now more than ever, these little ones need a role model to look up to. It is time that we stop all of the foolish fads and ego trips and get to work!

  4. Santa TJS
    Latest Entry

    Well it was eight months ago I hung up the badge after 35 years and began retirement. No more call outs in the middle of the night, no meetings no court appearances or out of state travel for training . Finally all the projects that were often planned for Saturdays that never got done are now in progress or completed. I miss the people I worked with but many of my friends who worked with me or in other law enforcement agencies have retired as well. I don't miss the crazy hours or the administrative drama. I have had more time to devote to my hobbies and working on the beards and wigs. What used to take days to complete a wig set I can now do in a day or two now that I have time. I have experimented with some thirty year old sets I had in storage and have refurbished them. If anyone has some old sets that they want to give a second life to contact me. I am looking forward to spring so I can finally get back into the garden and work on the koi ponds. May brings the Santa gathering on Cape Cod which I am looking forward to. I plan to attend more Santa events I never had the time to in the coming years.

    Given the snow this past winter it was great to be retired and not have to venture out in the storms. Spring can't come soon enough!

  5. This week I sat down with Larry Peter, the director and producer of the upcoming Santa Claus documentary, They Wore The Red Suit. There is a lot going on with the film. Read on to learn more.

    ClausNet: So Larry, what is the latest with the film?

    Larry: The big news is we’re in our first film festival with, hopefully, many more to come. The Indianapolis International Film Festival is featuring the film in a prime screening on Sunday, July 14 at 4:30 PM in the Indianapolis Museum of Art’s grand Toby Theater.

    There’s also a second screening Wednesday the 17th at 6:15 PM at the museum. Thanks to all of our supporters for helping us get this film completed and in front of theater audiences.

    ClausNet: You have had a few private screenings of the film already. What has been the response to the film so far?

    Larry: It feels very rewarding to see the responses we’re getting from our screening audiences. I couldn't get people to grasp this film’s importance while I was trying to get it made. Everyone expected a comedy, or some sort of “Bad Santa” clone.

    The usual response was, "You’re doing a serious documentary on Santa Claus?" and "It’s an hour and a half long?"

    I got no grant money, no investors, and my son and I finished the film driving around the country in a wrecked 2001 Sable. Now, it has the highest buzz rating of any documentary in the festival – and second highest buzz of all films combined.

    ClausNet: Why was this movie so important to you?

    Larry: Because my Santa, Jim Yellig, was very important to me; and I think Santa Claus is important to humanity. The more time I spent around Santas, the deeper I looked at why they have the effect they do.

    And to get philosophical, I think Santa plays a very important spiritual role for mankind – and perhaps not in the way most people think of. As far back as you go in human history, you’ll always find a member of society – a king, a high priest, a medicine man – who, on special occasions, will take on aspects of the divine. Some people in modern Western society may take that kind of talk as blasphemy, but I feel humans have a basic need for a tangible representation of divine attributes. And every civilization has provided one.

    The village shaman puts on the cloak of feathers and he is no longer the shaman. To everyone watching, adults and children, he’s now Father Sky. Virtually every society had an individual who would occasionally take on the role of a magical being who could hear requests from far away, watch over you, and reward the good with gifts. These customs strengthened their society’s spirituality – and that’s the reason I cringe when I hear certain groups claim that Santa is anti-religious. When he dons the Red Suit, he provides a tangible representation of the highest qualities we all wish to connect with.

    ClausNet: What do I want viewers to take away from the film?

    Larry: Mainly, I’d like them to understand the impact on society that Santas can have. Whether they’re “professional”, paid Santas or “community” Santas, like your grandfather, James Rielly, they have the ability to affect the lives of adults and children alike. And I’d like all the members of the Santa community to know this, as well. Whether you’re primarily taking photos in a mall, working a private party, or visiting hospitals, those few moments you spend in a visit can be moments that affect a life. As Phil Wenz points out in the film, Santa is virtually the only untarnished role model society has left.

    Second, I’d like to see adults help their children make the transition from childhood belief in a healthier manner. Don’t tell your kids Santa isn't real. He’s just real in a different way, now.

    ClausNet: Are there DVDs available?

    Larry: That’s a tricky situation right now. While we’re in the film festivals, and trying to get distribution, we can’t offer our final product for sale. But rumor has it that at least one individual has several DVDs of our Bristol, RI pre-screener that he may be willing to part with. It’s not our “official” release, but has some extra info on James Rielly and a few other historic Santas, that isn’t in our final cut.

    ClausNet: Ha! Thanks! My wife told me I need to get rid of this box of DVDs. If anyone reading this wants a copy, please contact me!

    ClausNet: When will the film be available?

    Larry: I can’t give a definite answer to that. We want to have the film seen in as many festivals as possible, and the next one we hope to be part of is an Oscar-qualifying event. A lot of film distributors and broadcasters will be paying attention. We have already received serious offers for distribution, even before this first festival screening, but I need to see how far we can take this. Not only do I want it available to the widest possible audience, but we have a lot of personal investment – as well as borrowed money – in this film that we have to try to recoup.

    ClausNet: What can Santas do to help?

    Larry: At this moment, if you can make it to the Indianapolis International Film Festival, please do. Tickets for the screenings are just $10, and a large group of Santas would just make the event more magical. And tell all your non-Santa friends about it as well. Events like these can show networks and film distributors that this film has appeal to a broad audience.

    ClausNet: What’s next?

    Larry: I don’t think I’ll ever be involved in another project that will bring me as much joy as the last two years have. My crew would complain at the end of a day of shooting that their faces hurt from smiling so much. My personal life goal is to use my passion for film making to raise the consciousness of the planet. I want to Educate, Entertain and Enlighten. I only hope I can find more projects that match my goal as well as this film did. I have such admiration for Santa’s work. Keep it up. We all need it.

    ClausNet: Thank you Larry!

    To learn more about They Wore The Red Suit, please visit www.thesantamovie.com

  6. So @ScotStNickMrsC and I decided to finally just drop the dime and create our own website to combine all of my social media and be able to share what we want to share. Here's the link below..



  7. What do you imagine Santa wears under his big red coat? Does he wear a vest? Does he wear overalls? Does he wear a puffy renaissance shirt with fun suspenders? Does Santa wear pants, or does he wear breeches with funny, striped socks?

    All of us have an image of Santa formed in our minds. Our influences can include art, storybooks, TV, films, and even the wardrobes of our Santa mentors. I’ll talk a little about my own influences. Maybe you’ll find them interesting.

    I’m especially influenced by artwork from the classic Santa illustrators: J.C. Leyendecker, Norman Rockwell, and (especially) Mr. Haddon Sundblom. Each of these men has influenced my Santa wardrobe in untold ways. Related to them, of course, would be the classic look of Santa Claus from roughly 1945-1959, part of the “Golden Age” of Santa portrayal.

    My look is basically a Coca-Cola suit, green gloves (I have quite a few sets of green gloves in different materials), and brown leather goods (belt and boots). That’s just what I happen to like. Follow your heart, and the children will see Santa through your eyes.

    What’s under my suit? It depends. If I’m doing a house visit, then just body padding and a cool vest (so the family doesn’t accidentally slow cook Santa).

    Yet, I also have (and recommend) a variety of colorful Santa vests, patterned and printed Santa shirts, quirky suspenders (both clamp and button varieties), and, of course, a number of pairs of striped socks (bought from a clown supply business).

    You can swap out a traditional coat for a continental coat or even a full parade robe, wearing a vest and shirt underneath as a way to stay cool. Simply remove the coat after you enter and put it back on before you leave. “Oh, it’s cold outside! I better button up!”

    Speaking of accessories, you can find suspenders, for example, on eBay for a very good price. You can reach out to ClausNet’s own @Eileen Strom for assistance with questions on fabric, fur, and design. If you’re interested in custom vests, shirts, and other accessories, then please consider getting a spot on Eileen’s sewing list. You won’t regret it!

    Having said all of this, you don’t need to go out and buy such clothing and accessories out of the gate. I’ve been doing this for close to fifteen years, with (Lord willing) many more wonderful years to come. Just start slow and build your Santa wardrobe up over time with what you like.

    Nevertheless, the reason I recommend slowly growing your Santa wardrobe is twofold. First is that Santa wouldn’t wear the same thing every day, so feel free to vary your appearance through having different wardrobe options. Your clients will appreciate a good-looking Sant. The second is that if you can cycle through different suits, vests, shirts, and so forth, it really helps with the daily wear and tear on your clothing as you portray Santa.

    Before I end this blog post, let me circle back around to what I’ve said before: being Santa begins and ends with the heart. Start there and all will be well.

  8. If you’re anything like me, you probably found ClausNet early on in your Santa Claus career and you are trying to learn as much as you can about what it takes to build a world-class Santa portrayal. That of course includes creating an excellent Santa appearance. In this blog post I hope to give a “Santa Suit 101” for new Santa’s to help them better understand the types and styles of suit available, and help them be better informed when purchasing their first Santa suit.

    Before I begin it is important that I say this: you can not spend your way into becoming an amazing Santa. You can have a $3,000 suit but if your performance stinks you’re just not going to be very good. Meanwhile, the best Santa I have ever seen in person wore a cheap $99 suit.

    Off the Rack
    A common term you will hear is “off the rack” - this refers to a suit that is mass produced by a costume company. They are meant to be purchased, taken out of the box, and (in theory) worn as-is.

    Many (dear I say, most) Santa’s start with an off the rack suit. I’d highly recommend taking your suit to your local seamstress or tailor for them to tailor the suit to your body. Having a properly fitting suit will make you stand out and will also increase your confidence.

    Off the rack suits vary in price and materials. The cheapest suits will cost approximately $100 and typically are made in plush. All Santa suits are hot, but plush suits will be especially so. That said, if it is all your budget allows it is a fine place to start. Other off the rack suits are frequently made from velvet and will vary in price from $150 - $399.

    Styles of Suits
    There are many types of Santa suits available to purchase and I would never be able to list them all here, but I will focus on what I consider to be the three main styles.

    Traditional Suit
    This is what we are most used to seeing and for many of us is possibly the only style of suit we’ve ever seen. The suit comprises red pants, red jacket with white fur along the bottom/ on the end of the sleeves/ and a strip of fur up the centre (concealing the zipper), and the red hat with white fur and a pom.

    Cola Suit
    Based on the paintings of Santa Claus by artist Haddon Sundblom for Coca Cola from the 1930’s through the 1960’s the Cola Suit is very similar to the Traditional Suit with the main difference being the buttons in place of the white strip of fur on the front of the suit.

    Continental Coat/Parade Coat
    Both the Continental Coat and Parade Coat are very regal suit options. They are large coats that are typically worn open. You could wear a vest underneath the coat or wear the coat over a full suit (either Traditional or Cola). The main benefit of wearing the suit with a vest is that it can be much more comfortable to wear indoors as they do not get as warm. Likewise they can add warmth when worn over a Traditional or Cola Suit.

    Custom Suits
    We’ve touched on the different styles of suits and explained the definition of “off the rack” suits, but I wanted to touch on the topic of having a Custom Suit or wardrobe made.

    A custom suit is just as it sounds - a suit that is made with your measurements in mind. Obviously this will come at a higher cost, but it also means you will likely not need to pay to have your suit tailored when it arrives. There are many different manufacturers of custom suits with prices ranging from $600 - $2,500+ per suit.

    While I have not done so yet, I do plan to one day replace my whole wardrobe with a Traditional Suit, Cola Suit, and Continental Coat - all purchased from the same custom suit manufacturer with instructions that all suits be made from the same roll of fabric. This way all my hats match all my coats, all my pants match all my hats, etc.

    This was something I never thought about before I became one of Santa’s Assistants - there is more than one color of Santa Suit! There are many different colors, but most can be categorized as either a bright red or a dark burgundy.

    Most of the cheaper plush suits seem to be bright red, but that doesn’t mean that a bright red suit is cheap! That said, I tend to have noticed far more burgundy red suits than bright red suits.

    At the end of the day I believe that the suit color is little more than a personal preference. I’ve never had a client question my choice in the color of my suit.

    Santa Accessories
    We’ve talked about suits, but let's touch on some of the other fun accessories that we can use to improve our appearance. I’ll start with the things I consider a “must have” and then move on to other items.

    Leather Boots
    Off the rack suits typically come with a naugahyde belt and boot “covers” with fur on them. Lots of Santa’s use them, but if you want to stand out you should consider replacing them with real leather.

    There are lots of options for Leather Boots. Many folks will start out with a simple pair of leather motorcycle boots that you can either find locally, or somewhere like Amazon. One thing you can do to help with these types of boots is take them to a cobbler who can add a zipper up the side of your boot. This makes it easier to tuck in your pants to your boots and get them on and off.

    To add fur to your boots, most people will purchase a pair of fur boot cuffs which is simply a loop of fur that is held in place with elastic. Slip the fur cuffs over your pants, put on your boots, then slide the fur cuffs down until it looks natural. You also have the choice to not have fur and simply tuck your pants into your boots.

    Leather Belt
    Replacing the naugahyde belt that comes with your off the rack suit will also greatly improve your image. Most of us wear belts that are made of real leather and are either 3.5” or 4” wide. I wear a belt that is 3.5” wide and that looks very proportional on my 5’ 8” frame. But if I was 6’+ I’d likely want a 4” belt.

    There are lots of choices when it comes to belts. You can have a belt that is plain black or brown leather, or you can go for a belt that is painted or has a design embossed on it. I’d suggest starting simple and adding more ornate belts as you build your wardrobe.

    Belt Buckle
    Chances are that your belt will not come with a belt buckle, meaning you will need to add a buckle. Just like everything else, there are countless types of buckles and designs you can buy. At first I was very excited about this and showed my wife the many different styles of buckles available - pointing out the ones I wanted to buy. To my surprise she said that I should just purchase a simple buckle because that looked more appropriate.

    In the end I did just that - I purchased a belt that comes with a simple rectangle brass buckle and I receive compliments every time I wear it.

    Ultimately the choice is yours, but you should consider that your buckle will have to fit your belt. If you have a 3.5” belt, buy a buckle that will fit that belt well. Sometimes I’ve seen folks wearing a buckle that is meant for a 4” belt with a 3.5” belt, and while that technically will work and fit, it can look poor when there is a gap between the top and bottom of the belt.

    The last thing to consider is your dimensions. Just like how a 3.5” belt looks good on me, I doubt a large 6” wide buckle would look good on me. I’d fear I would look like a child wearing his fathers belt!

    These are not just functional, they look great too! Most Santa pants have elastic around the waist, which means you’re going to want to find a way to keep them up. A simple solution is suspenders. You can purchase regular metal clasp suspenders but they can be painful if you’re wearing them all day sitting down. A better option is button suspenders that will require buttons be sewn into your pants. These can be purchased on Amazon.

    Santa Key & Key Holder
    A common prop many of us wear is Santa’s magical key that is kept on our belt by a leather holder. These can be purchased when you purchase your belt to make sure the leathers match.

    Many of us will wear bells of some sort on our person when making appearances as Santa. There are many different styles, but typically they would either be worn on your boots, your belt, or around your wrist. I like wrist bells, because they can be easily removed if you wish. Stay away from Velcro as Velcro will stick to your suits. My bells had Velcro and I had my cobbler remove the Velcro and add snaps.

    Santa almost always wears eyeglasses. There are many designs and brands you can wear and my main recommendation is to stay away from cheap costume eyeglasses. I had a pair my first year and they broke before the season was over.

    If you wear prescription glasses you could look at purchasing a pair of eyeglasses that look like something Santa would wear and only wear them with your suit. Thanks to the internet it is easier than ever to purchase eyeglasses cheaply. This is the route I went in 2022 when I purchased a second pair strictly for Santa for less than $20.

    Shirts & Vests
    Now we’re moving into some of the truly optional pieces. With shirts and vest you can allow yourself to take your coat off (or maybe even arrive without the coat in the first place) and be much more comfortable. In addition to being more comfortable, these pieces help set you apart.

    These pieces can also reflect your personality. They can be very regal and fancy, or they can be fun and playful. When purchasing a shirt make sure to find one without a collar so it does not stick out of the top of your suit coat. For a vest your suit manufacturer may sell vests in the same color/material as your suit, or you can look at other materials and colors.

    Workshop Apron
    The addition of an apron is similar to the shirts and vests mentioned above in the sense that they are very comfortable to wear. Depending on what you are doing, they can really compliment your appearance. I have a repeat customer that has me come every year for 3 - 4 appearances where children can “paint with Santa”. I always wear the apron as it really fits in with the event, and their parents always love it (especially their dads).

    So, what should I purchase first?
    As we can see, the sky's the limit in both the types of clothing you can purchase and how much money you spend! That said, here is what I recommend for a new Santa purchase when starting out. Most importantly, create a budget and stick with it. I know you're going to be tempted to buy all the shiny Santa things, but trust me - start small. I've probably spent $300 - $500 on items I rarely use and in some cases regret purchasing.

    Velvet Off the Rack Traditional Santa Suit
    I would recommend starting out with a traditional Santa suit as that is likely what most of your potential customers are familiar with seeing, and I would go off the rack to help save some money that can go towards purchasing accessories. You will likely need to have it tailored to fit you properly.

    Real Leather Boots & Belt
    When your suit shows up you can take the naugahyde belt and boot covers and get rid of them (I got $20 on Facebook Marketplace for mine!), and replace them with real leather boots and belt. As far as a belt buckle I would stick with something simple and solid brass.

    What Next?
    Once you have the main items of your suit, belt, and boots you can begin adding to your appearance. If you have enough room in your budget you can right away begin adding pieces to your wardrobe.

    Otherwise you can do what I do and add pieces every year. At the end of every season I put aside any money that I’ve earned (I’m mostly a volunteer Santa) and begin pondering what I would like to purchase next. Next season I plan to purchase an extra plain white shirt and a new Santa Bag.

    Your Most Important Investment
    I’ll close this out by sharing what I believe to be the most important investment you can make as a new Santa. In the beginning of this blog post I told you that you can not spend your way into becoming an amazing Santa. Being Santa is so much more than having a great suit and props. There is so much to know as Santa, and children will never cease to amaze you with their questions.

    The greatest investment you could make as a new Santa would be to invest your time (and a little money) in learning how to improve your portrayal of Santa Claus. You can start today by lurking and reading past discussions here on Clausnet. Many questions have been asked and even more answers have been given. Research books written by those in the red suit who have come before us and learn from their experiences. Maybe some day you will be able to invest in traveling to a Santa School or attending a Santa Convention.

    I hope this has been helpful to new Santa's and that this has helped you navigate this important part of your Santa Claus journey!

  9. It wasn’t a deliberate decision, but for  the past two years I’ve been on Santa sabbatical.  

    It’s felt a little weird, especially this year; kind of like the feeling an active church-goer gets when they’ve missed worship for a few Sundays.  It’s like the rest of the week feels a little off when you’ve missed church. 

    Stress has been a factor, along with my wife’s health struggles, and a recent transition from care center chaplaincy to serving a new church in a new town.  I did some of my best “Santa-ing” at the care center, but also felt the biggest push-back I’ve ever experienced, from people whose strongly-held religious beliefs had convinced them that Santa was an inappropriate person to appear there (and that a pastor-type person had no business portraying him).

    There’s a lot more tolerance at my new setting, and health concerns aren’t nearly as big as they’ve been.  

    So let’s raise a toast to the New Year, 2019, with the hope that it’s going to be a great year for all us Jolly Old Elves, Mrs. Clauses, elves and reindeer!  

    Peace! Health! Love!

    Santa Dan

  10. My fellow Christmas enthusiasts,

    It is no secret that identity thievery has been, and is continuing to be a real threat to social networking.  Yes, even among those of the Christmas Community.  Not all things are sugar plumbs and candy canes in our community.

    I can't recall how many times I have been cloned on Face Book, but it has been far too many.  I have had to abandon accounts, close accounts, and or otherwise just remove all the information on accounts (including friends lists) not because I wanted to, but because I can not afford to have a hard earned online presence be compromised this way.  I became complacent at one point, "just part of the networking thing" I told myself.  Well, I am not going to be complacent any longer.... especially in my Christmas Community Networking.  Some have noticed a distinct drop in my usual online presence and community involvement.  This cloning of identities is in large,  part of the reason I simply have not been "around" as much as usual.  Its a shame, because my involvement has, over the years become an important of my Santa Personae.  My improvement, over time, has been a direct affect of my interaction with others of similar interests, sharing ideas, ideas, and experience on line.  MOST of which has come right here, being on ClausNet.  ClausNet has always been a much "kinder and gentler" online community where people can share and learn from some of the best examples of dedicated men and women in our industry.

    Over the last couple of weeks, there have been attempts by someone or someones trying to log into my account here.  Yes, here on ClausNet, you heard that right.  As far as I know, no one has been successful but the continued attempts have me rather peeved.  The IP of the person or persons attempting to steal their way into ClausNet have been coming from The Bay Area of California.  A place where I have spent many off season hours visiting family and friends.

    Of course someone wanting to be me is completely understandable, who wouldn't? (Sarcastic comment)

    In my nearly 9 years of involvement here on ClausNet, I have learned much.  More than you can at ANY Santa School, more than you can learn at any one specialized training session or seminar, online or in person.  At a point early on, I realizes just what a wonderful place ClausNet was AND is.  I have done what I can to contribute positively by offering advice, shared one on one, and open forum discussions.  I have made many friends here, some have generated some direct phone contact, as well as, when possible some face to face meetings and strong relationships.  A closeness if you will and surely a complement to my performances as a working Santa Claus.

    As for myself, I felt I owed my friends an explanation and thus this blog post. 

    For now, my involvement will be curtailed.  I can't say forever, because it is hard to stay away from something you love.  And I do love ClausNet. 

    Thank you for your friendship, advice, and concern.  This is NOT a goodbye note, simply a note of respite from usual activities.  I sincerely appreciate your understanding.


  11. This past week Bill and I were in MI taking care of business as his mother's legal guardian ( she has Alzheimer's ) and also some of the affairs involving his sister's and bother's in law death this past December. It brought back thoughts of a blog I wrote 4-5 years ago and i have decided to share it once more, I present this with love.

    Holy week (or Passion Week) has always been especially meaningful to me. In my family, Lent was a time to reflect and renew. During this time of reflection, I am often brought to tears of humbleness thinking about the sacrifice that was made for me. The last week of Christ's life, as told in the Bible, is filled with amazing accounts, leading to the gut wrenching account of betrayal, denial and crucifixion. Then ending in the great crescendo of Christ's resurrection.

    This week I attended yet another family funeral; number 4 in about 10 weeks. First two wonderful elderly Aunts, then my sister and now a cousin (younger than I). As I sat in the church, observing the draped crucifix, I noticed a realistic looking rooster high in a window, perched on a red draped small bale of straw. A vivid reminder to all of us, how we all fall short of our good intentions and promises. As I looked at all of this, I thought of all that has transformed these past few weeks on ClausNet. We argue and discuss, like a dysfunctional family reunion. All having the healthy need to agree and disagree in order to grow. One theme always comes out. Jesus is the reason for the season. But there is an added truth. The one factor that makes Christians different from any other religion is THIS season. All great philosophers are born and they die. All have followers who idolize their teachings. But only Christians have a living savior. He is risen. He lives. Not only does he live, but He took our place. We are the reason, for this Season. He died for us. Without this, celebrating His birth makes us no different from any other religion.

    Bill had a beard long before he became an Ambassador for Santa Claus. Most of the time, he's just plain, old Bill who happens to have a white beard. But looking around this sanctuary I realized , at least i think I understood a bit better, that if we tried to make him be Santa all year long, we were only reminding people of Christ's birth, or Christmas. That is only half the story. The real story is in His Resurrection. Please think about this when you are out and about these next couple of days. Please remember to keep the emphasis on Christ’s  sacrifice and leave the glory there- not on Santa.

    These are the musing of an old woman working through her grief in the loss of a sister, whose fate lies solely in the hands of God, not mine. I do not mean to impose my beliefs on anyone. Nor do we plan on having Bill shave his beard. But I am hoping that maybe this blog, poorly written as it may be, will be of comfort to others who chance upon it.

    David Meece wrote a wonderful song that seems to fit so well into our life ( Bills and Mine). I hope it will be a Blessing to anyone who reads this. God Bless you. Judi


  12. Well 2018 and so too the Santa School season With a LOT of choices this year from various  schools
    I will be teaching the "Santa and the Business of being Santa" school with the 4 instructors that have franchised under my Brand.
    There are 4 US instructors working across the lower 48 and 1 in Canada. The current schedule for classes are:

    Greater Atlanta, GA – Saturday & Sunday, Feb. 17 – Feb. 18, 2018 – 8 am to 6 pm
    SUN CITY, CA EDITION –Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 24th-25th, 2018 – 9 am to 6 pm both days
    GARLAND, TX EDITION –Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 24th-25th, 2018
    SHREVEPORT, LA  EDITION – Saturday & Sunday, March 17th-18th, 2018 – 9 am to 6 pm each day.
    LAS VEGAS, NV EDITION –Saturday and Sunday, April 28th-29th, 2018 – 9 am to 6 pm both days.
    HOUSTON, TX  EDITION – Saturday & Sunday, May 26th-27th, 2018 – 9 am to 6 pm each day.
    STROUD, OK  EDITION – Saturday & Sunday, May 5th-6th, 2018 – 9 am to 6 pm each day.
    WILLIAMSBURG, VA EDITION –Tuesday and Wednesday, May 15th-16th, 2018 – 9 am to 6 pm both days.
    NASHVILLE, TN  EDITION – Saturday & Sunday, June 2nd-3rd, 2018 – 9 am to 6 pm each day.
    RIO RANCHO, NM  EDITION – Saturday & Sunday, AUG 11th-12th, 2018 – 9 am to 6 pm each day. 
    Vancouver, British Columbia Canada- Saturday & Sunday July 14-15 2018 - 9 am to 6 pm each day

    More classes are being scheduled and all it takes is ten full tuition students to have a class in your area! Cost is still $250 for student and a sponsored guest that shares your books is only $100. All prices US. Included in the cost of the school are the three Textbooks with over 560 pages of text, small props, hand outs and written notes along with a diploma and 12 months of mentoring through contact with the 5 instructors with a combined experience of over 130 years.

    To find out more go to satbobs.com to read about the school, schedule and the textbooks.
    May your season be Joyous!
    Thank you,

    Gordon Bailey


  13. Tonight, I will be making my final appearance as Santa Claus for 2017.  As I come to the end of my first year as a professional Santa Claus, I have been giving much thought about what my motivation to take up this calling is. 

    The reason is certainly not the money that can be made.  While Mrs. Claus and I have earned a fair amount of dollars, it doesn’t really cover all of the expenses I incurred to get ready for the Season, and may not next year.  It certainly didn’t last year, when I made one unpaid costumed appearance, and well as several informal “out of costume” appearances, all on my own time.

    My motivation wasn’t really clear to me until recently.  As we drifted into the holiday season, I purchased the usual Christmas gifts, including some for my wife.  The gifts I purchased for her were fairly mundane items that I knew she would appreciate, but just things that I had seen.  What relates to Santa Claus is that she kept asking me what I wanted for Christmas.

    There are a lot of things that I want, but none of them are appropriate Christmas gifts.  My desires for new electronic goodies (high end Computer, HF Ham rig, etc.) are more than I could reasonably expect someone to buy for me.  The little things that would be appropriate for a gift… well, if I wanted it, I already had it.  It was that kind of situation.  My usual response was "I'm Santa Claus now.  I give presents.  I don't need to get presents."

    We resolved the problem by going down to the local shopping area and hitting some of the stores… first Best Buy, and then Bed Bath and Beyond.  We finally agreed to get a useful kitchen gadget which could then be wrapped as my “Christmas present”.

    Last night, as I was falling asleep, the reason I enjoy being Santa occurred to me.  As the Jolly Old Elf, I get to give gifts to people, and don’t need a gift in return.  Sure, the physical gifts that I hand out at home appearances are provided by the parents who hired me, but the gift that I actually provide are the memories that I create for those families.  If I can entertain with a song, a joke, or a story, I consider my efforts successful.  When I bring joy to a child through interaction with Santa Claus, wonderful.  That I provide myself as a prop for a parent to snap a photo of their child with is good too.  (And you may be surprised at how many adults want a picture of themselves with Santa!)  If I can make the children… and more importantly, the adults… understand that Christmas is about the happiness of giving to others, it will better help them come to understand the true meaning of Christmas.

    Do I consider accepting payment for me efforts as Santa contrary to this spirit of giving?  Not in the least.  If I did not receive this remuneration, I wouldn’t be able to be the best Santa that I can be, and wouldn’t be able to maintain the role for long.  As I feel my way into being Santa Claus, I have determined that I will continue to make the free appearances that first introduced me to the role, while charging the market rate where appropriate.

    To bring the topic back around to Christmas, this is the time when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, son of God, gifted to us by God to forgive us of our sins.  God is the Father that already has everything that He wants.  There is nothing that we can provide to Him that He needs.  God has given us what we need.  If we could only learn to follow His example we would be better for it.






  14. This past weekend my husband and I had the pleasure of being Santa and Mrs. Claus at Pick Wick once again. My husband has been Santa for them since they began Pick Wick in the park 10 years ago. We have always had such a wonderful time and have been so blessed to participate in this event. Jason (Savannah Santa) has always taken his job as Santa very seriously, always looking for ways to become better. To me he is the perfect Santa.

    Every year things have went along so smoothly, very busy, but an awesome way to spend the weekend. This year, however, there was an issue. There was a man and his wife staying at Pick Wick Inn, he was doing Santa elsewhere. On Saturday this couple checked out, but instead of leaving, he sat down in the lobby with his Santa hat on, while his wife went in the Holiday Mart and bought him a Santa Apron. He put the apron on and began being Santa, in the same area where my husband was. My husband being the wonderful, awesome Santa he is moved out of the area, because he was worried about the children. I am not sure who this man is, but he did a NO NO as a representative of the Santa brothers. Never, ever are you to do what he did. We attended a Santa class several years back and that was one thing we learned, never have 2 Santa's, portraying Santa where children can see both. I do not know if this gentleman is a member of Claus Net, but I am betting he is not. If he happens to be a member I hope he reads this and realizes what he did was wrong.

    Most of you who know my husband, know that he is a younger Santa than most and works so hard as a bearded red head, to prepare each season. His feelings were hurt and he second guessed himself and his look, due to the fact that the much older, already white haired man, had a real Santa look. I tried to reassure him that the children absolutely love him and many believe in him.

    So whoever this man might be, Shame on You for doing such an awful thing to the children and their Santa.

  15. Santa Laureate's Blog

    Santa Laureate
    Latest Entry

    Happy Veterans Day

    Welcome Home brothers . May we remember "gone but not forgotten" Some gave some ---Some gave all---and still are.

  16. Santa Morgan's Blog

    Morgan Putnam
    Latest Entry

    We buried my brother, Denny, in August. His second heart attack in 8 days finally did what infantile hydrocephalus, 45 years of hard physical work, Lupus, inter-cranial bleeding and loss of his eyesight (in that order) couldn't do. He was 67 years old. Mom left us in the fall off '82 with a stroke. Pa went in the summer of '95, Alzheimers and prostate cancer. Norm, our neighbor growing up, died of alzheimers and old age a couple years back. Norm's brother, Merle, went the same morning as Denny. My best friend Ken, went a year ago last spring in an auto accident; Richard, a friend from high school, 10 years ago in an accident at work. And another half dozen or so...

    I've reached that stage of life that Pa warned me about. I was complaining about having to put on a groomsman's monkeysuit (tux) for yet another wedding and he told me to shut up. He said, " Enjoy every single wedding you go to. The first half of your life is all weddings. The second half is all funerals." I didn't REALLY get it then. I do now.

    Denny was, technically speaking, our half-brother; as Mom had been married and widowed before she married our dad. Denny was 17 when Mom and he came to the ranch. And in less than 4 years, he had 3 half brothers. And God blessed us with him. He fed us, changed our diapers, drove us to school functions, laughed when we did and cried when we did. Denny loved us, unconditionally. Every family should be so lucky as to have a Denny.

    There's so much I could say; so much I want to say, but I'm not sure how. I could talk about Denny's huge heart and how he'd give you the shirt off his back. I could talk about his reliability, as rock solid as the eastern sunrise. I could talk about his love of country music or his being developmentally challenged. I could talk about his sunny disposition and the way neighbors lit up smiling when he'd walk in; or the profane teasing we all engaged in back and forth the way blue-collar boys and men do. And Denny certainly gave as good as he got in that department.

    We got to spend some quality time with him that last week. And for that I'm very grateful. But it made the funeral that much rougher to get through. There was a good turnout for the sevice. Seems we wern't the only ones that loved ol' Denny. But then, most of these funerals have had pretty good turnouts. Which is logical, since funerals aren't really for the departed. They're thrown in the guest of honors name; but they're for us, the ones left here, trying to make sense of things.

    And so, I'm sitting here tonight, going over the too long to-do list before the Santa season, and remembering, and laughing some and crying some; and ruminating; trying to make sense of things. Which will just drive you batty, I know. Because there's a lot of things I'll never figure out. But I do know one thing and that's that Denny loved me. He loved all of us. And we loved him. His love in our family wasn't a raging river, or a wild thunderstorm kind of love. It was the big boulder, the sign post, the landmark; that when you passed it you knew you were home. Because that landmark is always there and it always means that same thing. You're home. You're safe.

    When I hold a little one on my knee, that's what I hope s/he feels. That feeling that Denny gave us...gave me. Home and safety. Santa's here with solid, boulder, landmark love for you. Here, at least, you're safe. Denny's gone now, but that love remains, It's part of me, the way it was part of him. He gave it to me. His first, best gift-that he ever gave me. And now it's my turn to give it to my grandkids. And to every kid who sits on my knee at Christmas.

    Denny can die. I can die. But Santa can't die. And that kind of love...it never dies.

    I'm hoping your upcoming season, and all your sesons yet to come, are full of that kind of love. Have a blessed Christmas.

  17. I can't keep track of my hospital time. It all sort of blurs together. Evel Knievel

    Last month I got another new belly button. I was in the hospital. For 17 consecutive days, I was tortured, strangled, bled, beaten, starved, hobbled, weighed like cattle, sleep deprived, and connected to more machinery than the Large Hadron Collider. My bowels were monitored like the CIA monitors Putin. Yes, and I was given yet another new belly-button. I don't know why.

    What the heck? Although the exact date of my injury is not certain, officially, I suffered from a hernia and bowel obstruction. So how on earth did this happen? I don't know. I am blaming a gardening accident. Why not? I was gardening in the world's tiniest garden.

    Here's what I remember. At the beginning of June I'm not feeling well and I (a) call my daughter, and (b go to the hospital and I say "I have horrible heartburn symptoms similar to a heart attack I once had," and the hospital says, "take some antacids and pay this bill for $3,545 and go pay your primary physician another $350. " Okay. I take the antacids, and that doesn't work, so I (a) call my daughter, and (b go back to the hospital and say "I think I'm having a heart attack." And the hospital says, "doesn't look like it, but pay this bill for $7,322, and go pay your cardiologist some more money." And then the third time I (a) call my daughter, and (b I go to the hospital and I say "I think I have a hernia?" and they say "Well you DO have a hernia and we are performing EMERGENCY SURGERY TONIGHT and then we will keep you in the hospital for a month in the cardiac unit and the bill will be about as much as the national debt." Ready, set, go.

    Dear Santas. I can tell by reading your blogs and entries on Facebook that an awful lot of you have health problems - - a lot of them major. Of course, many of you suffer from diabetes, obesity, heart problems, and other day to day ailments of the aging populace who may not be taking as good of care of themselves as possible.

    Personally, I've had breast cancer (twice) mastectomies, reconstruction surgeries, chemotherapy, radiation, bone disease, arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, and just general after effects of being a human medical test subject, or as we like to say in super med-code, participating in free "clinical trials." Don't you want to try the latest drug unapproved by anyone? Don't you want to help humanity? Uhm, no.

    I tell you my friends, beware of sepia toned illustrative booklets called "Reconstruction and your Femininity" or "This is your Heart." Please run if your surgeon pulls out a black Sharpie and starts drawing on your skin! Your belly button is in danger.

    Going to the hospital is not for pansies. Common sense goes out the window at the hospital parking lot. The things we know absolutely without argument that are good for us - - a good night's sleep (or other rest), fresh air (the windows are sealed), good food (Oh, let me go on!), a warm shower, privacy in the bathroom . . . these are things that will be denied to you the entire time you are in residence at the hospital. Even standard nursing care is not what it once was. My nurses spent so much time trying to keep my major i.v. pole ( which I named T-Rex because of it's large and unruly size) from making loud alarm noises and trying to unwrap medication while wearing plastic gloves, they didn't have time to give me enough cord to get out of my chair to pee.

    I'm worried what the bill will be - - because the price of wrapping a Pepcid A-C in 17 layers of plastic wrap is expensive - - and then there's the labeling, tracking, scanning, unwrapping, and serving it in an individual paper/plastic mini cup …

    Yes, there is one good thing - - I have a morphine pump. When it runs out, (and after a loud alarm sounds for fifteen minutes) it takes three RNs and a special key to change it out to make sure that no nurse has access to any of it. It even has a "suck proof" plastic tube that runs the entire 19" from the machine to my arm. Apparently, tube-sucking hospital workers are a giant threat in the medical world.

    I also have a heart monitor with a plastic thingy that goes on my finger. There are certain things I cannot do with a plastic thingy on my finger, and so I occasionally take it off. This causes the heart monitor commandos to storm my room and demand that I reattach the plastic finger thingy immediately. I cannot lock them out of the bathroom because the door doesn't close. I can still hit, though.

    The hospital has provided me with an adjustable bed, and an adjustable chair. After a couple of days of being forced into a fetal position in the middle of the jack-knifed bed, I move to the semi comfortable adjustable chair. If I pile the pillows in a certain way, I can make a sort of nest/pallet on which to try to doze from time to time in between being tortured. This is usually between 2-4 in the afternoon when the floor lights are dimmed and everyone watches General Hospital on T.V. It is much more interesting than the real hospital.

    If I complain loudly enough, I am allowed to get halfway into the shower while holding T-Rex outside the stall. Do not allow the CNA to "come back in a few minutes" to do this. They will never come back. It is like them saying "manana." For those of you who do not speak Spanish, manana does not mean "tomorrow" - - it means "not today." My shower requires several layers of saran wrap and water proof tape. Make sure to put a sign on the door, or the cleaning staff will think it is a superb time to disinfect the clock on your wall. (They will not empty the bucket of bile by your bed, because they do not have the right color uniform.) If you insist, someone may bring you "towels" - - a 4x4 loofa cloth to dab yourself dry.

    On day 15 I was allowed to eat broth. Nurses say: If you want to EAT anything, we will give you another shot after you eat, so be sure to buzz us if you see any FOOD so we can do this HURT shot some more, okay?"

    If you stay in the hospital day after day and night after sleepless night, you begin to learn certain things. The food people are not allowed to remove your food tray from your teeny-tiny room. The food people can only BRING you the tray. You should know that, you idiot.

    The CNAs are allowed to take out the food trays IF they have time (this could be manana). They wear a different colored uniform from the RNs. Be sure to find out what the different colored uniforms mean, they are: White lab coat with optional stethoscope - probable doctor; dark blue - Registered Nurse; burgundy - Certified Nurse Assistant; Black pants and vest - food bringer; white uniform - visiting nurse (unable to help); khaki pants and white shirt - cleaning staff; Cleric's collar - holy person. You do not, generally, want to see the holy person - - it could mean "the end is near." Also, while colors may vary from hospital to hospital, the cleric collar is pretty standard.

    I begged the nurses to dispose of the dialog they wished to accompany each and every shot that was administered day or night, whether or not I was awake or asleep "WAKE UP! Now, I'm going to be giving you a very stingy SHOT in your STOMACH (because there is not enough room in the 25 I.V.s you have running in both your arms). This will only HURT a little, and I am going to rub your stomach with alcohol and squeeze and bruise it so it doesn't HURT so much, and let me know - - where do you want me to give you this HURTY stingy shot?"

    Silently, the nurse will muse "I will be sure to unwrap and display this shot right in front of your eyes, even if you do not want me to tell you about it. Look at the drippy medicine coming off the sharp needle. It HURTS."

    I am a lady. I do not like to talk about poop. Not how it comes about. Not how we dispose of it. Not what it looks like, or smells like, or it's color, texture or size and shape. When I have to examine another's poop I gag. Whether the poop belongs to a small person in a diaper or a large dog, I gag. This is the only reason I do not own a dog. I love dogs. Dog Poop makes me gag - wretch - vomit. Also, my mom did a really good job. I can't poop unless it is in a safe, secure bathroom. Preferably, my own. Preferably with aroma therapy candles. The door must be locked and the acoustics silent to the outside. I do not camp, because I cannot poop in the woods. Therefore, after three days at a scenic lake side, I am uncomfortable, irritable, and likely to harm you with camping equipment. Does a Nana Bear poop in the woods? No.

    Unfortunately, the entire dependence of my GOING HOME from the hospital, became linked to my poop. If I did not poop a certain amount, during a certain time period, under certain specifications, I would not be allowed to go home, and the torturing would continue. This was difficult for me to do, as stated above.

    Finally, day 17 - - I poop. A bat signal goes out to the universe. Heraldry announces: The Queen has Pooped - - Long Live the Queen! Staples and i.v.s are removed. Bluebirds alight on my shoulders.

    The emergency surgeon had promised me a tiny 1" incision on my abdomen. It turned into a 4" incision and a new belly button. That's okay. My old belly button (post 2nd mastectomy) was about two inches beneath my previous left breast. Now, it's lower and to the right. I still have no idea why anyone thinks I need one. I have never been consulted on this. This could make for a good sepia-toned illustration - - or perhaps a graphic novel. Travels of the Mystic Belly Button

    I am not going to post a picture of my new belly button. I was tempted to post a picture of my stapled scar, and the tubes running in and out of me, and the giant equipment pole I called "T-Rex" - - but I have stopped myself. It is a rule I have about posting pictures from the hospital - - although I did finally break down on day 11 and announce on Facebook I was in the hospital. I needed sympathy and support.

    Thanks to all that gave it! That's the other thing everyone needs to recover. Sympathy and support. Oh, and sushi - - but that's another story.

    Be good, for goodness sake!

    Santa Nana

  18. Well, this is the year. Our off-the-rack Halco suits will be our "work-horse" suits, our go to suits for Breakfast with Santa events, our Tanglewood Park appearances, Krispy Creme Doughnut store visits, and other functions where sticky fingers can play havoc with fur.

    This is the year for my epitome of Santa costuming - the custom suit, Huzzah!

    My Mrs. Claus and I are very excited about this process. Last year we found a seamstress who seems delighted and fascinated about doing work for Santas. We sent items to her for some minor repairs to gauge her work. She passed the test, so we are proceeding with the suits: matching Santa and Mrs. Claus outfits.

    My Mrs. C and I met with her last week to begin the process. I am looking for a 3/4 length "Continental" style coat, vest, and 2 pairs of pants. One regular pair of pants, then another pair of "knickers" style pants for a different look.

    My Mrs. C is going for a "Victorian" look, but one that will not clash but will coordinate with mine.

    More to follow.......................

  19. Create Your Own North Pole

    Recently I run across some notes that I had taken back in October of last year that I had from a presentation by Santa Steve Gillham also known as the Triangle Santa in the Raleigh area in North Carolina. Steve done a wonderful presentation of his “sneak a peek” CHRISTmas Eve visits and told some very funny stories. But one of the biggest take away from the get together was how that even though we wear a red suit and beard whether designer or real that is where we stop being the same… We all know that the one’s that do this for the right reasons it’s all in the heart and it show’s through to the children. I realized that we all have our own ideas of what Santa would look like. We reflect that in our individual touches that we add to the suit or our Santa attire. A few of the things I picked up from the meeting was we all are story tellers in some way. When were answering questions we have our on spin on how many elves are there? Or How do you get down the chimney, how does Reindeer fly….. The ways we answer those questions help spin the tale of our own North Pole. We create our on individual North Pole that is the way we see it… If you’re fortunate enough to have some props such as glass bottles with glitter and led lights mounted under them you can even have fairy dust that you use……. Here is a couple of Q & A I took away. Obviously you each will have your own answer that will differ and that is what helps set your Santa apart. For the new Santa’s out there these are some things to think about so that your not stumped by some questions down the line……

    If you have time in a home setting or party with children have a question and Answer session with them and story time. For me here are a few answers I have worked on…. Again no right or wrong answers… Always a work in process.

    How many elves do you have? I have 5,457……… unless elf Caitlyn has her baby while I am gone…

    How do you get down that small chimney? Christmas Dust (I carry a small pouch with artificial snow and glitter mixed together and show it to them).

    How do Reindeer fly? Well the way the antlers are made they help pick the wind up and lift them… along with the special CHRISTmas moss only found at the North Pole.

    What is your favorite cookie? I ask them what theirs is… what ever they answer I say “wow that’s my favorite too”.

    What happens if someone catches Santa on CHRISTmas Eve? I tell them we’ll have a cookie and milk party just them and me. Then I pull out a white feather prop….. I explain to them that we’ll have a great time but when it’s time for me to leave I will drop the feather on the ground. At the exact moment the feather hits the ground they will be back asleep in their beds and will not remember anything about catching me…..(I drop the feather while I’m talking at the end of the answer and they just watch the feather mesmerized) …. If there is a parent around that is a good idea for them to pick up on…. Leave a feather near the milk and cookies that were left out and the children will think they actually caught Santa and can’t remember it now because of the story…. “Thanks Steve for that one if you’re reading this”…..

    While I don’t have all the great props yet that Steve had I will be adding some background music while I’m story telling this year…. Easily downloaded to my ipad to give a different atmosphere to the story telling…

    Hope you enjoyed my little tidbit of info and don’t forget to stop into the chat rooms on Saturday nights starting at 9 PM eastern to get feed back from other Santa’s on things just like this….

    Santa Brian of SC

  20. Lets remember the ones who gave there all for the free dooms we so take for granted.

    To my brothers and sisters who served THANK YOU !!!

    And if you know one who served or have a family member in the Armed Services give them a call or a hug and let them know YOU CARE.

    From this Vietnam vet to all who served and is serving YOU MAKE ME PROUD .

    And to Claus Net thank you for being such a great place to come and meet such an awesome group of folks that share love and pride to be an all American.

    Your Brother : Big Jim Santa from Peoria IL.

  21. Santa Claus Unplugged

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    There is no reason why Santa should be restricted to a short period of time between Thanksgiving and Christmas. In fact, since there are so many children who are afraid of Santa, I might be able to fix them by exposing them to Santa all year long. I have some great ideas on this.

    First of all, why not have Santa on New Years? I mean Santa looks like Father Time. I could tell everyone that Father Time is REALLY SANTA! I could wear a big chain with a clock around my neck and sing Auld Lang Syne. I could probably squeeze quite a few extra bucks out of the week between Christmas and New years too. Then Santa will be just another part of all the New Year’s festivities.

    And then there’s Valentine’s Day. Valentine is a saint and Santa is Saint Nicholas. Valentine’s Day is all about love, and of course we all know that the business of portraying Santa is all about love too. And there’s lots of red and white in Valentine’s Day decorations. It’s a perfect fit! I could even make extra money off a kissing booth at Valentines banquets. Everyone knows how much the ladies just love to kiss old Santa. I could even charge extra for a photo! Then Santa will be just another part of all the Valentine’s Day festivities.

    We’re already to Saint Patrick’s Day. It’s another one of those “Saint holidays” and leprechauns are really just elves wearing green suits with flat topped hats instead of red suits with pointy hats. And leprechauns are very giving just like Santa because they give away pots of gold. Wait a minute! Saint Nicholas gave away gold too! That makes it a perfect fit! Then Santa will be just another part of all the Saint Patrick’s Day festivities.

    Now Easter is next. This might be tough because I’m going to have to compete with that stupid Easter Bunny. Wait, I have it! The Easter Bunny has white fur and Santa has white fur. They both come secretly at night and leave gifts for children. So, I could tell them that the Easter Bunny is really just a pagan version of the Christian Santa, and I am simply trying to restore Santa to his rightful place in Easter. I might even be able to take over the Easter Bunny’s photo operation at the mall! Besides, everyone knows kids like Santa more than the Easter Bunny. Then Santa will be just another part of the Easter Festivities.

    Next is Memorial Day. It’s a bit of a stretch but I think I can do it. They always have parades on Memorial Day right? We all know that Santa must be in every parade. Who among us can pass up the ego trip of riding down Main street on a huge float and waving to thousands of our adoring fans? Of course it is Memorial Day and not Christmas, so Santa won’t be the big finale of the parade. But that’s OK. He’ll just be another float somewhere in the middle. Maybe they can put Santa right after those little Shriner cars and just before the local beauty queen. Then Santa will be just another part of the Memorial Day festivities.

    Gosh, I’ve made it half way thru the year. I’ll probably need some vacation time in June because July is gonna be my second biggest paycheck of the year. Man, I can see all those big fat juicy “Christmas in July” BOOKING$$$$ just waiting to be picked! And since you can’t have a real “Christmas in July” event without a Santa, I can really stick to ‘em with the fees. Maybe I can make even more money in July by doing the count down to the fireworks shoot off on the Fourth. It’s really just the same as a countdown for a tree lighting ceremony. Then Santa will be just another part of the Fourth of July festivities.

    Now in August I’ll have to take some more vacation from all that activity in July. Plus, I’ll need time TO COUNT ALL MY MONEY!!!

    Next comes Labor Day in September. Now this might be a little tricky because Santa is management and the North Pole is a non-union shop. But I think I have an angle on it. Everybody has picnics on Labor Day right? They always eat lots of high fat and high carb foods at those picnics. Bingo! Santa loves to eat all that junk. That’s why he’s so fat! I can get booked to appear at all those picnics wearing my Santa casual shorts and Santa Hawaiian shirts and my red Crocs. It will be a blast! I’ll get all that FREE FOOD and GET PAID TO EAT IT! Then Santa will be just another part of the Labor Day festivities.

    Now Halloween is easy. We have already established the fact that many children are afraid of Santa and love candy. Halloween is all about fear and candy! It’s a natural fit for Santa. I could change up the tired old red and white suit for an orange one with black fur. I could get booked at Halloween parties and scare those precious little ones just like I do at Christmas time! Instead of reciting The Night Before Christmas I could tell ghost stories and give away orange and black candy canes. And since everyone has to buy Halloween candy, I could make EVEN MORE MONEY by purchasing large wholesale quantities of orange and black candy canes and selling them to the parents. Then Santa will be just another part of the Halloween festivities.

    Well, I finally made it! It was tough, but I got all the way to Thanksgiving with all its parades and lights-on ceremonies and the BIG BUCK$ of the Christmas season! And just think, not only did I make tons of money in the off season, I was also able to help so many little children not be afraid of Santa, since they got to him so often (well maybe not on Halloween, but I digress.)

    So you see, Thomas Nast was an idiot. He had the stupid idea that Santa should live at the North Pole because it was a mysterious and far off place at the top of the world. Since nobody in his time could ever travel there it was a perfect explanation of why nobody ever saw Santa. Wait a minute, NOBODY EVER SAW SANTA?!?! If nobody ever sees Santa then how am I supposed to get money out of this deal? What was Nast smoking in that pipe of his?

    Heck, since I’m gonna spread my Christmas spirit all year long, why draw the line at a few holidays? I might as well let ‘em see Santa 365 days a year! I mean you can’t really have too much of a good thing right?

    And then, when they’ve had so much Santa, that Santa is just another part of everyday life and no longer special, and all the bookings have dried up, I won’t have to worry because I’ll already be RICH off this Santa racket. And when I’ve blown all of my ill gotten gains on wine women and song I can go back to being…a magician and a clown.

  22. ServantSanta's Blog

    I am super excited to announce that I just booked my flight from Miami to Hatii. I will be leaving Denver on the 4th of November and arriving in Hatii early on the 5th. I got clearence from my cardiologist on Wednesday and sent my passport renewal forms in that same day. I am scheduled to start my immunizations on Monday. We will be working with a group called Chances for Children at their orphanage in the moutains about 2 hrs from Port au Prince. I do not have any idea what God has planned for me but I am remaining open to whatever it is. I do know that I will have an opportunity to show love to a lot children. Please keep our team in your prayers and thoughts. This will be a great way to kick off the 2012 Santa season

  23. ok, i heard about a need in my communtiy today that i thought maybe that my kringle family could help out with. There is a lady by the name of betty neilsen that is the founder of freedom quilters. she started this project after 9/11 and her and her groupd of deicated ladies haev made quilts since for the families of the victims of 9/11 and soliders that have proudly served out country. the family is never charged for the wonderful quilt that they recieve. this project is 100 non profitt and is in need of alittl help. Ithought maybe all fo you could check her and her project out. maybe help spread that word that would in turn help betty and her group recieve the funds that they so desperatly need. I know that they have tried doing events in the past athat people in our area have not taken to, i dont know why. so please spread the word of that wonderful workt that these ladies do. i was told that they do have a facebook page, and also a website (i think) i dont have the time or resources to help them develop a way to reach out to the larger communtiy to raise funds. but i hope that maybe someone will tellt eh right person with a huge heart and myabe a little money to spare so that these ladies can continue their wonderful work with out worring about money.

    remeber : freedom quilters in Varina Iowa

    thak you so much

    God bless America!!!!

    Source: Freedom Quilters need help

  24. All you have to do is view video on youtube.com

    We are hoping he will get some exposure to animation filming guide her in Winnipeg.

  25. Growing Up Santa

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