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Santa Marty's Blog

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Hacking, Cloning, and other Chicanery

My fellow Christmas enthusiasts, It is no secret that identity thievery has been, and is continuing to be a real threat to social networking.  Yes, even among those of the Christmas Community.  Not all things are sugar plumbs and candy canes in our community. I can't recall how many times I have been cloned on Face Book, but it has been far too many.  I have had to abandon accounts, close accounts, and or otherwise just remove all the information on accounts (including friends lists) n

Santa Marty

Santa Marty

Face Book

After multiple hacks, clones, excessive drama, I have closed my FB accounts.   There is an element of freedom in doing so, and I am glad it is done, fine', over, quit, outahere.   Mainly, I am frustrated with FB's lack of interest in controlling cloning accounts.  It is as though they simply don't care, or perhaps they are producing the clones themselves to have Billions of accounts, and boost their advertising revenue.  What ever the case may be, I'm done playing the game and tak

Santa Marty

Santa Marty

ClausNet, Kinder and Gentle

ClausNet has, in my opinion, has always been an informative resource to Santas of all levels.   In comparison with other social media, FB and other inter web Christmas enthusiasts sites and groups I get the perception that ClausNet is much kinder. Sure, we have spirited and vastly divided topics that are discussed.  Some of which become very passionate and polarizing and emotionally driven.  Let’s face it, as a Christmas enthusiast, we have certain levels of passion.  Without that pass

Santa Marty

Santa Marty

Declining Requests

As you begin your bookings for the season I would like to offer some suggestions when finding yourself unable to accept a request. As a reminder, when declining a prospective clients request be sure to do the following: 1.  Express your thankfulness for their request. 2.  Tell them you are honored that they requested you. 3.  If it's a residential request, express being humbled that they have offered to open their home to you. 4.  Include your regrets that you will not b

Santa Marty

Santa Marty

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