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ServantSanta's Blog

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Getting Your Name out to the Public

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Santa Heading to Haiti

I am super excited to announce that I just booked my flight from Miami to Hatii. I will be leaving Denver on the 4th of November and arriving in Hatii early on the 5th. I got clearence from my cardiologist on Wednesday and sent my passport renewal forms in that same day. I am scheduled to start my immunizations on Monday. We will be working with a group called Chances for Children at their orphanage in the moutains about 2 hrs from Port au Prince. I do not have any idea what God has planned for



Santa Heading to Haiti

I am super excited to announce that I just booked my flight from Miami to Hatii. I will be leaving Denver on the 4th of November and arriving in Hatii early on the 5th. I got clearence from my cardiologist on Wednesday and sent my passport renewal forms in that same day. I am scheduled to start my immunizations on Monday. We will be working with a group called Chances for Children at their orphanage in the moutains about 2 hrs from Port au Prince. I do not have any idea what God has planned for



Getting Your Name Out

As we all are aware, the Christmas season is fast approaching and it would be nice if the people in your area knew that you existed as Santa. Advertising our Santa services can sometimes be a hit or miss proposition whether we use the internet resources or the sometimes costly print or television media. I have discovered, certainly not on my own, a great source of free advertising that exists in most major television markets around the country. The TV stations created what most of them refer to



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