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Christmas is Over, the Real Work Begins

Santa Leonard

Viewed: 1,591 times

Well, the 2013 Christmas season is now over. Our suits are back from the dry cleaners and stored, and we have repaired/replaced the little bits and pieces that broke during the season. I had a button from my cola suit and a button from my vest fall off mid-season and was so busy that we did not have to have them replaced! Fortunately they were not in the camera's view!

So, the season is over. What is the real work? Preparing for 2014! We started preparing for 2013 in June of last year thinking that surely 5 mos. will be enough time to get our act together. WRONG. We were pulling almost all-nighters building shelves and installing counters in our "Santa Workshop" for Tanglewood Park..We barely finished in time for the Park's opening.

This year, our major focus for the 2014 Christmas season will be new Santa and Mrs. Claus matching custom suits. I am trying to tell my wife that we need to start this process NOW.....................I want everything for our upcoming season to be ready set go by the end of August. Will make the deadline, or will be waiting on the night before the 1st gig waiting for the last button to be sewn on? Only time will tell.....

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