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First Appearance at Adopt-A-Grandparent Day a Success for the Kids

Santa Hays

Viewed: 1,663 times

Last Wednesday I made a brief Santa visit at the senior center's Adopt-A-Grandparent Day. The kids seemed to enjoy it as Santa arrived, and began to hand out little gift bags (put together by an activities coordinator). It's the first appearance I'd done in over a year and I was surprised at how nervous I was. I knew I was rusty when I decided to ask the kids to help sing "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" and suddenly tensed up because I was afraid I'd forget some of the words during the song!

But I made it through, with the kids singing along with gusto.

I ended the visit telling the kids to listen to and respect their parents and teachers, be good to each other, and that Santa would be back in a couple of weeks with some wonderful surprises.

Today I heard that some of the seniors were disturbed that I didn't take the opportunity to talk about Jesus as the reason for the season. I suppose they have a point, but I wonder why they couldn't just enjoy the event like most of the other people seemed to enjoy it.

This might be my only appearance this year, but it was great to get back into the suit and bring smiles to kids and adults alike.


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