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Santa Brian of SC's Blog

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Create Your Own North Pole

Create Your Own North Pole Recently I run across some notes that I had taken back in October of last year that I had from a presentation by Santa Steve Gillham also known as the Triangle Santa in the Raleigh area in North Carolina. Steve done a wonderful presentation of his “sneak a peek” CHRISTmas Eve visits and told some very funny stories. But one of the biggest take away from the get together was how that even though we wear a red suit and beard whether designer or real that is where we

Santa Brian of SC

Santa Brian of SC

Ever wonder where Christmas in July came from?

Before the era of the Internet, TV, radio, even before the movies, live performances were the most prevalent medium of professional entertainment in America, and an evening or matinee at the local vaudeville theater was a family treat. Vaudeville shows were the original variety shows, and “variety” was the word. A single show might offer any or all of acrobats, animal acts, singers, dancers, actors, comedians, magicians, or a man who could play the violin with a bulldog suspended from the crook

Santa Brian of SC

Santa Brian of SC

Who will you pass on your knowledge?

With recent passing aways of some Santa's it come to me do we have anyone that we pass along our knowledge or our Santa "stuff" and suits? After all we spend so much time and money in some cases on our Santa persona it would be a shame to have our suits and all just hang in a closet and waist way. For me I am on of the lucky ones who has a son that I could pass along my "stuff". I use the word could assuming he would have the calling in his heart to be a second generation Santa. He is only six y

Santa Brian of SC

Santa Brian of SC

Christmas in the Valley 100 Years Ago

Lots of times I wondered what it would have been like many many years ago...... I come across this story and thought it was worth sharing. In the fall, when the nights began to be cold and frosty, children would count the days until Santa Claus would come. They would beg for pretty striped stockings to be knit and long ones, too, to hang up Christmas Eve night. For weeks, older people would keep children disciplined by telling them, "If you don't act purty, Santa won't come to see you. " On

Santa Brian of SC

Santa Brian of SC

Too Santa what’s that mean?

Too Santa what’s that mean? A few weeks back I heard the song made famous by George Jones called “Too Country”. The song goes through talking about being called too country in his singing. The verse’s go through the process of talking about different things from food to almost anything that any person or someone from a higher standard would consider to beneath them or not “proper” or too country… It got me to thinking about all the things I had read over the past three years of discovering the

Santa Brian of SC

Santa Brian of SC

Not all Santa's seem to want to share!

I have portrayed Santa off and on since 1992. I bought a Wal-Mart Suit and set outside around a bunch of lights / scenery and visited with children in the community and ones that stopped by. I did free visits to churches and neighborhoods. However, I have only started trying to do it professionally for the past two years. I meet some great Santa's at the CHRISTmas Inn in Pigeon Forge back in March. They were in town for the Clausfest and were staying at the same hotel my wife and I were at spend

Santa Brian of SC

Santa Brian of SC

What makes a Santa?

What makes a Santa? It’s not whether you have a real beard or a designer beard. It’s not whether you’re plump or a skinny right jolly old elf. It’s not whether you have the suit that cost hundreds of dollars or the economical suit right out of the box. It’s not based on how many appearances you make each year. It’s not based on how much money you make or charity organizations you help. It’s not based on how many Santa groups or organizations you belong to or if you can sing and carry a tune. The

Santa Brian of SC

Santa Brian of SC

Santa Brian's rambling thoughts

Santa Brian’s rambling thoughts I grew up in the 70’s and have pictures of some toy’s that are considered antiques by some. Over the years I look back to those years and think how wonderful Christmas was for me as a child. As I get older and have children of my own the years seem to fly by. I watch a lot of Christmas movies and TV shows and think how simple and nice times seemed back in the 40’s and 50’s once the war’s we over. I know compared to the gifts that are received today there were no

Santa Brian of SC

Santa Brian of SC

A reminder of why I became a Santa's helper.

It is the look in their little eyes, the smile on their little faces and the unconditional love and belief in Santa that makes me want to do what I do. I think each one of us can look back over the years and remember one special visit on your knee or have several that may stand out if you have done this for several years. One of my most memorable came this past season when a little girl came up to visit Santa. The only request that this child wanted was for her famiy to get along for the Christm

Santa Brian of SC

Santa Brian of SC

You only get so many....

This coming August will mark one year since my Dad went to Heaven. As the holidays approached last year I began to think of all the people who celebrate Christmas but don't put up a tree or decorations. Now don't get me wrong to each their own.. And there are many reasons as to why. The most common I have heard is they don't have that many visitors and they don't want to deal with the mess to clean up. But last year missing my Dad it hit me. We only get so many birthdays in a life time so make a

Santa Brian of SC

Santa Brian of SC

Christmas' Remembered

Though its only June it will soon be time to turn our attention to Christmas. The tree will go up, the house will be decorated and the yard will be all a glow with Christmas scenery. It is my favorite time of year. Each year we drag out a thousand lights, drop cords and spend a few good hours setting up the yard for passer’s by the kids and us to enjoy. Each year I think back to how magical those Christmas’ were when I was a kid and how Christmas eve getting together with family seemed perfect j

Santa Brian of SC

Santa Brian of SC

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