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Just Be Claus!

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Rantings and ravings of the challenged soul

Entries in this blog

Anonymity...it is the foundation of Santa Claus

I have had enough of the chest beating like a gorilla in the wild trying to intimidate their perceived competition. I am posting text from a website.  To me, this text is profound.  It is what we who portray the legend and spirit of Christmas (Santa Claus, St. Nicholas, or whatever name you choose to give the legend) should embrace every single day.  I am fairly certain I know who owns the site.  From the text below, you can tell you they do not want to be identified.  And that (being unide

Felix Estridge

Felix Estridge

Seeking recognition

Seeking recognition is a downward path for a legend who performs his tasks in the veil of night. Recently, a fellow portrayer of Santa posted an image on Facebook that they constructed to look like a magazine cover with him on it and several story snips like many publications have on their covers.  You may have seen it if they are your friend on Facebook.  It looks okay.  The composition is good, but the rendering when uploading it to Facebook became distorted it and it is quite pixelated w

Felix Estridge

Felix Estridge

The Claus Effect...never leave home without it!

Many of you know that I shaved my beard completely off after Christmas. It was for personal reasons. Before the holiday season started, I had told my wife that I was considering shaving off everything but my eyebrows after Christmas. She had commented that it had been quite some time since she' seen "the man she married" and that she loved my beard, but, if I were to shave it off, I had to leave the mustache. I told her that I would consider her request. I knew th

Felix Estridge

Felix Estridge

My personal experience with a few beard balms...

This is an unsolicited review of beard balms that I have tried. These are my personal opinion and are the results of my personal use. My beard is used for seasonal work so I have to keep it in the best shape possible. Thus, I am very particular to what I use. Take what you will from this. I hope it helps my fellow Santa Clauses and others who grow their own beards to decide what works best for them, or, if they do not use a beard balm yet, to start using one as it definitely improves overall bea

Felix Estridge

Felix Estridge

My Most Vivid Christmas Memory

The magic of Christmas was a major thing for me when I was a small child. It was a feeling that never really went away during the year but hibernated for periods until I would get a comment from my GrandDaddy about how being good was important and that Santa Claus was always watching. My GrandDaddy was the sheriff of our county for many years until he passed away. He used to pick one of us (between my brother, sister, and I) each week to take to work with him at the courthouse for a day. I th

Felix Estridge

Felix Estridge

Marinated Chicken Enchiladas with Black Beans...for diabetics!

Marinated Chicken Enchiladas with Black Beans Serves: 6; Servingsize: 1 enchilada Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 35 minutes Ingredients 1 lb boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into cubes 1 tsp olive oil Juice of 1 lime 1 tsp chili powder 2 scallions, minced Salt and pepper to taste 1 tsp olive oil 1 (15 oz) can black beans, drained and rinsed 6 (6-inch) whole-wheat tortillas 2/3 cup reduced-fat shredded Mexican cheese blend or Monterey Jack cheese,divided Cookin

Felix Estridge

Felix Estridge

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