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Santa Laureate's Blog

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Veteran Day

Happy Veterans Day Welcome Home brothers . May we remember "gone but not forgotten" Some gave some ---Some gave all---and still are.

Santa Laureate

Santa Laureate

Caritas food pantry christmas

This was fun. Bestemor and I did this for the local food pantry for those who may not be able to afford pictures and toys during this holiday season. Bestemor visited with the families and then brought them up in an orderly fashion. This is one of the charities we volunteer for. I dont think I could have done this without Mrs Claus.She held some children who did not want anything to do with the Big Red Suit ---wish there were more pictures of her . She was busy brushing off cookie crumbs and fix

Santa Laureate

Santa Laureate


Hope all that got my Christmas Card enjoyed the poem it came with . Merry Christmas to my Santa family. Bestamore helped with that one. She is my editor and proof reader.

Santa Laureate

Santa Laureate

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