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Judith P Broderick's Blog

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we are the reason for this season

This past week Bill and I were in MI taking care of business as his mother's legal guardian ( she has Alzheimer's ) and also some of the affairs involving his sister's and bother's in law death this past December. It brought back thoughts of a blog I wrote 4-5 years ago and i have decided to share it once more, I present this with love. Holy week (or Passion Week) has always been especially meaningful to me. In my family, Lent was a time to reflect and renew. During this time of reflection,

Bestemor Claus

Bestemor Claus

We are the reason for THIS season

Holy week (or Passion Week) has always been especially meaningful to me. In my family, Lent was a time to reflect and renew. During this time of reflection, I am often brought to tears of humbleness thinking about the sacrifice that was made for me. The last week of Christ's life, as told in the Bible, is filled with amazing accounts, leading to the gut wrenching account of betrayal, denial and crucifixion. Then ending in the great crescendo of Christ's resurrection. This week I attended yet a

Bestemor Claus

Bestemor Claus

sign language class

this is now our second semester of sign language classes and what a difference. Holy Cow! once you've passed the initial beginners course, there is no more nice and slow pace action. Last semester our instructor was a deaf man who at one time had been hearing so he was able to vocalize his explanations and wishes. This semester his wife is teaching those of us who are supposedly seasoned signers. Talk about culture shock. She is quick and totally deaf. SO... we are definitely in the "jump in th

Bestemor Claus

Bestemor Claus

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