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The Reindeer Are At The Starting Gate

Santa TJS

Viewed: 917 times

Well, Halloween is behind us a fun night for the 189 goblins that paid us a visit. One question was repeated several times by the Mom's supervsing the goblins' "When is that Santa and Sleigh going up?"Well soon, the reindeer all eight of them will soon be brought down from the storage attic in the garage and I will touch the paint as needed. I have already bought some new floodlights and holders(they are impossible to find after the second week of December) Why new flood lights for the display you ask because the grinch came by last December 20th and took all five of them including the extension cords/. I hope they went to good use.Well anyway I was checking out the live christmas trees in the yard and figuring on how many more lights I need this year. Im looking at a new prelit tree this year for the living room,lots to choose from.All of the stores have the decorations up for sale now. The season begins,at last.I waited all year and its almost here.


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