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Santa Edson's Ramblings

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3 days to go.

Carlo Klemm

Viewed: 1,129 times

Well it's been a while since I posted here. Actually if Santa Rielly hadn't mentioned it, I may not have been enthusiastic about another entry. But with surgery coming up in 3 days I know it'll be a while before I get here so now is a good time.

Yes total knee replacement surgey comes up March 11th and that means staying in the hospital for about a week and then on rehab at home with very little activity other than strengthening excercise for about 6 weeks. I'll go bonkers!!

We are moving the computer out of the basement and upstairs into a spare room. Good thing I decided to go wireless. That way I can still interact on this thing without trying to negotiate the stairs to the basement.

I hope I'm diligent enough in the rehab excercise that I will heal faster than the 6 weeks. I need to get the other knee done too and with any sprt of good luck I'll be able to do that around June/July and following rehab still be able to attend at Santa School in October. That is important to me as really I'm still a first year Santa and the instruction will help me a lot.

Of course that also means that I will not be able to work this year until Christmas season so finances are going to be tight. Good thing my wife is a very frugal person and controls the treasury like a good finance minister would. We should do all right. With any luck I can get to develop a couple more websites and bring in a little cash.

I'm still grateful for belonging to this brotherhood in red. I've met some very nice people through ClausNET and SATG and MOTSC. I've received e-mails and acknowledgments from Santa's Rielly, Clauswithacause, Fr Santa, Santa Richard and from Phil-the Legendary Santa Claus. I'm very grateful for the advice and instruction provided and yes I'll be my own Santa but boy would I like to fashion myself after Santa Phil. Everyone acknowledges that he IS SANTA and I can't go wrong if I try to follow in his boot steps. Thank you gents for being so kind and helpful to me.

That's it for now. Prayers are welcomed for this surgery on March 11th and the rehab afterwards. Not only for me but for my wife Sheila who is taking vacation time off to be with me for 2 weeks and nurse me in that time period. She's got her hands full and I thank God for her every day. I'll be in hospital on her birthday and she is sharing that with me. What a gal!

Cheers my friends from Alberta


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