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" Because Everyone Deserves a Lifetime. "

Dutch Schrap

Viewed: 1,304 times

Hello All and Welcome to My Blog!

As most of you know, I want to make a difference this year. I decided to join thousands of men and women across the country and participate in the 3Day Breast Cancer Walk for the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Organization. My event will take place in one of the 14 cities across America - Philadelphia on the weekend of October 17, 18, and 19th of this year. This 60 mile walk is over a 3 day period throughout the streets of Philadelphia and it's suburbs.

I'm going to be tired, cold, and blistered - but I know someone out there is waiting for a diagnosis, I know someone out there is sitting getting their chemo treatments, I know someone is trying to explain to their young children why their 30 something year old Mommy won't be here this coming Christmas. I am doing this walk so that you and I don't need to explain to our children someday that their is no cure. With everyone's help - there will be a cure someday! I believe this whole heartedly. Without a cure, 1 in 8 women in the U.S. will continue to be diagnosed with breast cancer. This is why I am walking 60 Miles in 3 Days! I am walking "Because EVERYONE deserves a LIFETIME."

Through my training walks, orientation meetings, and stories I have read, I have met some wonderful women AND MEN who have been through breast cancer. This makes me even more passionate about this walk. I have learned so much. Each walker must commit to raising a minimum of $2200.00 by October. I have asked my annual Santa customers to pay my visit fee early - directly to the Breast Cancer website listed below. 100% of my earnings collected before the event for Santa visits will go directly to my fundraising and walk commitment. They get a tax dedcustion and I get the true joy of giving as Santa. I am that passionate about it.

Santa's, please consider making a tax dedcutible donation. If you can't give an amount all at once, you can spread it out over 4 months, using the payment plan option, if you donate online at http://08.the3day.org/goto/dutch . Please also ask your employer if they will double your donation with a matching gift. Many employers will. Every single donor will have a place on my shirt during my training and walks with their name, business name, website or all three. Also, on the breast cancer website, there is an honor roll with the names of donors. Everyone will see your name if you wish (there is an option for being annonomous right on the site). But, most importantly, you will have a place in my heart as I do the walk and you will know you are part of the cure!

60 Miles, 3 Days, and 2 Feet Closer to a Cure!

Thanks for reading my first blog! More to come soon and I wil update everyone on training and events.

The 3Day website: http://08.the3day.org/goto/dutch


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Michael Rielly


Good luck Santa Dutch!

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