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About This Club

NORPAC Santas is a professional Santa Claus organization open to all Jolly Gents and Ladies committed to spreading Christmas cheer and the magic of Santa Claus throughout the Great Pacific Northwest.
  1. What's new in this club
  2. ralbright

    NORPAC Conference

    If anyone needs help with signing up for this conference. I am here to help you. My name is Russell Albright II, and I am the vice-president of Norpac. I also run the website for our group, and am the one of the people behind the scenes trying to get this conference off of the ground. The registration is open to all that wish to join. If you have any troubles joining, please let me know here or email me at vice-president@norpac-santas.org Here is the registration link: https://www.norpac-santas.org/2020-conference-workshop-registration/
  3. Jerry Nebel

    NORPAC Conference

    A great learning experience for ALL Christmas performers. Come experience this event with us.
  4. Check this out. A great opportunity for some top notch trainin courtesy NORPAC Santa's https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.norpac-santas.org%2F2020-conference-workshop-registration%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1cIG_LwrUSpnXp8eRiyZDzCogWG2oDRvLvTyNdFrhpsiSNTUfzD5d02XM&h=AT0kDz9JvpO8hDq7C1zF459gNRM3CvsWcOB6aSe-iinecOJcknyCvoX5M8RBJGwoTNEy8jpKEVvPoJhec66BbwsLdGghVHIJypJv64X_McJp01r52_pHSkl3vhSbFJOWag&__tn__=H-y1.g-R&c[0]=AT21a-wI4GHIP3A34VWIP16MTygsmzTEU2STky_hCQHn2v84kAvI2n1nPzlc2Xvn3K8ToExDP-yrQrcM2lSj0tMBG89oFPA7_K6J8GVXSQLGb4aCCijQNh-lXAPZBQP2M2ir8traDRzDspGB3_2kIMEpHuE-NWbTzU9jGIcXM-2LJOWjRlcLvnTZEflP4HrT0fHZzPsYvh0n-tNOBCJOUMX402ipPHEi6nsx1yncPCA1GfdZdQxVsWC5hMLa5LEhhS2l61ndnmmTJm3gHtQiHcrgztEv33a-Z3h07QHAGuhNAmsN
  5. Jerry Nebel

    New Web Site

    Check it out. NORPAC has a look on the web. https://www.norpac-santas.org/
  6. Jerry Nebel

    Brothers Claus

    Great news. We just heard from Stephen Gillham of The Brothers Claus and they have met the minimum number of 20 registered to bring their 2 day workshop here to the Seattle area! They can take 15 more if you’re interested. https://www.thebrothersclaus.com/…/seattle-wa-minimum-regis… To Register online May 16 & 17 at the Hampton Inn near Sea-Tac Airport.
  7. Great turn out for the NORPAC membership meeting. We elected new officers and shared story's from the past season. Ron Kearns - Chairman, Russell Albright - Vice Chair Jerry Galland - Secretary Dennis Gorley - Treasurer
  8. General Membership Meeting *Founding Member Plaque presentation for Dennis Simpson. *Elections for new board members to be held Billy McHale's 1320 S 324TH ST, FEDERAL WAY, WA Saturday, February 01, 2020 12:00pm - 3:00pm
  9. Trever

    ClausNet Donation

    Thank you Jerry for the kind words. You have also been a great asset to our NORPAC organization!
  10. Jerry Nebel

    ClausNet Donation

    Yes he is. Trever has done a great job. He has grown so much during his reign, as has our group under his leadership. NORPAC will have election of officers and board this Saturday. (see post with event details) At the present time there are not many stepping forward, due to a variety of reasons, to take on the group leadership positions.
  11. Felix Estridge

    ClausNet Donation

    ??? Is he stepping down?
  12. Jerry Nebel

    ClausNet Donation

    NORPAC members were very lucky to have Santa Trever as our Chairman for the last few years. Under his leadership the group has grown, we are inclusive of all, Great work Trever. Thank you. You will be missed.
  13. As one of my last acts as Chairman of NORPAC SANTAS, I asked the Executive Board for a Suggested Motion to make a donation to ClausNet from the organization's treasury. The motion was carried by the board by unanimous vote and the donation has been made. I know that ClausNet has been a valuable tool for many of our members in making themselves the best Christmas Performers they can be including myself. Trever Waltos NORPAC SANTAS Chairman
  14. October 4th & 5th, 2019 Great Wolf Lodge Grand Mound, Washington ROOM BOOKING AT GREAT WOLF LODGE AND WORKSHOP REGISTRATION OPEN FRIDAY AUGUST 9TH NORPAC-SANTAS.ORG NORPAC Workshop registration 2019 (1).pdf
  15. Pacific Northwest Santa's come join the Santa's of NORPAC at their 10th annual Conference, There will be informative and educational sessions along with fun and games. Something for everyone. Hope to see you there October 4th and 5th. Great Wolf Lodge, Grand Mound, Washington
  16. I would encourage all groups that are looking for training opportunities for their members investigate bring CPW in for a workshop. It is this type of training that takes your game to a new level. You can teach an old dog new tricks.
  17. Thank you Santa Jerry for your kind words. It is a pleasure for myself and our board members to serve our membership! The Advanced CPW was a great success with 35 total attending the two day workshop.
  18. It is so good to see that there is so much interest in another CPW event here in the Northwest. Trever and the officers of our club are to be commended for recognizing the desire of our many members for more training opportunities. They listened and responded with this weekend training opportunity. I think 28 registrations speaks volumes about the desire of NORPAC members to be the best they can be. See you all there.
  19. Great News!! We now have 28 registrations ( 5 couples ) allowing us to extend the registration deadline to Saturday June 2nd. This is going to be a first of it's kind, ground breaking, two day workshop offered to the Christmas Performer community. We hope you are able to join us for a weekend of fun but intense Christmas Performer Training with Santa True!! If you attended a Santa True workshop in Denver at the IBRBS ISC, this will be a continuation of what you learned there. *registration information in the flyer
  20. Yes Marty, it will be Saturday August 4th in Lakewood, Wa just south of Tacoma
  21. Trever, is NorPac still planning on having their picnic in August?
  22. We now have 18 registrations in. Five of those are couples registrations 🎅🏼🤶🏼 Will you be joining us? The registration deadline is Monday April 30th This will be a one of a kind offering and continuation workshop from previous workshops given by from Santa True. If you have any questions please contact us www.norpac-santas.org See the poster for location and discount information on rooms.
  23. NORPAC SANTAS is very excited to announce that we are bringing True back!! Last fall we brought Santa True's CPW to our 8th Annual Northwest Santa Workshop and it was a great success! True left our attendees wanting more. So, we are so happy to have him back June 9th & 10th in the Seattle area ( Sumner, WA ) for two full days of intense training only True can do! Make your plans now to Join Us. NORPAC SANTAS Members and Non-Members welcome to attend. Go to our website NORPAC-SANTAS.ORG for registration form and to pay via PayPal.


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