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Santa Claus Oath should be easier to find [SPLIT TOPIC]

Mervyn The Hired Hand

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You know, maybe we should make it easier to find the Santa Claus Oath here. I had to look around a bit before I found it. Paraphrased it a bit to cherrypick the parts relevant here, but the more often we quote it, the better off we will be, I think.

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2 hours ago, Mervyn The Hired Hand said:

You know, maybe we should make it easier to find the Santa Claus Oath here. I had to look around a bit before I found it. Paraphrased it a bit to cherrypick the parts relevant here, but the more often we quote it, the better off we will be, I think.

Its got its own category, so not sure how else to make it easier to find.

Also, whenever the Oath is referred to, please use it verbatim instead of paraphrasing, even when cherry-picking its content.  It is copyrighted.

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Yes, I found the proxy category, but the instructions on that page refer to a date in 2010 and nothing since then, so are confusing as to whether it is current or not. Could be more clear.

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And Felix, I did attribute my paraphrase to the Santa Claus Oath. That is all that is required by copyright. Otherwise one would have to repeat an entire book verbatim everytime one referred to it.

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20 hours ago, Mervyn The Hired Hand said:

You know, maybe we should make it easier to find the Santa Claus Oath here. I had to look around a bit before I found it. Paraphrased it a bit to cherrypick the parts relevant here, but the more often we quote it, the better off we will be, I think.

Pretty simple. It is at the very top of the page in it's own section:



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Yes, but that is not "the very top of the page", but half way down the page. At the very top of the page is a legalistic reminder about using the Oath without violating its copyright (somewhat overstated, I might add). When one clicks on that category, the Santa Claus Oath is the sixth item on the page, not the first. It would be easier for everyone to find it and refer to it if it was the only thing on its own page after one clicks on a category, or at least the first item.

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1 hour ago, Mervyn The Hired Hand said:

Yes, but that is not "the very top of the page", but half way down the page. At the very top of the page is a legalistic reminder about using the Oath without violating its copyright (somewhat overstated, I might add).

The "legalistic reminder about using the Oath" you mentioned is simply an announcement. The staff is able to send out announcements periodically in various locations throughout the site -- including the header or top of page. Announcements are not intended as a permanent method of navigation. You are able to close the announcement if you no longer want to see it.

The section for the Santa Claus Oath is INDEED at the top of the discussion forums. But if you like you can always bookmark the link to this or any other particular discussion forum. Then it will be "at the top of the page". Here is the link for the Santa Claus Oath discussion:


Additionally, you can use you personal preferences to view the content here in a variety of ways. You can also create personalize activity streams that will serve up information to you in the way that best suits your needs.

If you would like more information you can also visit the Santa Claus Oath website here:



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12 hours ago, Mervyn The Hired Hand said:

Yes, I found the proxy category, but the instructions on that page refer to a date in 2010 and nothing since then, so are confusing as to whether it is current or not. Could be more clear.


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Topic has been split off.

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  • Michael Rielly changed the title to Santa Claus Oath should be easier to find [SPLIT TOPIC]

I DO beg your pardon. Obviously you know a great deal more about navigating around this website than I do, and are much more familiar with the topic than I. My comments were merely intended to assist you in making this MOST important content more accessible to those of us who are less familiar with the website than you are, so we may become more familiar with it. It was not my intention to offend you, Michael, only to help. The most direct route to content is usually the one followed most, and circuitous routes are soon abandoned short of arrival. The Santa Claus Oath is SO important as a behavioral guide and standard for Santas to live by, that I thought it should be made easier to access. Please forgive my impertinence.

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PS: What does it mean when you say the topic has been split off? It's a mystery to me.

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1 hour ago, Mervyn The Hired Hand said:

PS: What does it mean when you say the topic has been split off? It's a mystery to me.

Meaning that what was being discussed has taken a different enough twist where it deserves its own topic from the original point of discussion.

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Oh. Ok. Thought I was making a point about how important and useful the Oath is, and that folks shouldn't have to search high and low for it. My bad, I guess.

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20 hours ago, Mervyn The Hired Hand said:

Oh. Ok. Thought I was making a point about how important and useful the Oath is, and that folks shouldn't have to search high and low for it. My bad, I guess.

Not sure how I could make it any easier to find that it is now. It is literally ONE click.

What do you suggest? How can I make it easier to locate the Santa Claus Oath discussions?

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Not sure. Is there anyway you can pin the Oath itself to the top of the discussion page, followed by the excellent historical material you have there now? I mean, people don't have a lot of patience when they look for something and the principal item for discussion is six items down in a list. Shouldn't the thing we are discussing come first, before the discussion begins? Just a thought. Thank you for your consideration. Maybe I've written too many academic books....

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10 minutes ago, Mervyn The Hired Hand said:

Not sure. Is there anyway you can pin the Oath itself to the top of the discussion page, followed by the excellent historical material you have there now? I mean, people don't have a lot of patience when they look for something and the principal item for discussion is six items down in a list. Shouldn't the thing we are discussing come first, before the discussion begins? Just a thought. Thank you for your consideration. Maybe I've written too many academic books....

The Oath is on its own official website here.  That website is the repository for the Oath and all related to it.  What is here is for discussion purposes and signature proxy access.

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19 minutes ago, Mervyn The Hired Hand said:

Not sure. Is there anyway you can pin the Oath itself to the top of the discussion page, followed by the excellent historical material you have there now? I mean, people don't have a lot of patience when they look for something and the principal item for discussion is six items down in a list. Shouldn't the thing we are discussing come first, before the discussion begins? Just a thought. Thank you for your consideration. Maybe I've written too many academic books....

The Santa Claus Oath is one of 6 topics pinned to the top of this section and there are only TEN discussions in the whole section. Is it really that hard to find? Are you referring to this section or something else?

Screenshot_2019-03-31 Santa Claus Oath.png

I guess I've built too many websites AND written too many books.

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PC Magazine says the average span of attention of persons using a website is about 3 items, and if they don't see what they are looking for in the first three items, they are off to something else. Never mind, let's just drop it. It was just a suggestion, not criticism or an attempt to start an argument. I quit.

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Just now, Mervyn The Hired Hand said:

PC Magazine says the average span of attention of persons using a website is about 3 items, and if they don't see what they are looking for in the first three items, they are off to something else. Never mind, let's just drop it. It was just a suggestion, not criticism or an attempt to start an argument. I quit.

The average time a visitor spends on a website depends on a number of factors. The average session duration on most websites is 2 minutes, but that varies greatly on whether the website is B2B or B2C. ClausNet.com is neither a B2B or B2C website. We are not selling products or services. We are not funneling visitors towards a call to action -- which is why the first two minutes are so critical when it comes to the design and layout of those types of websites.

ClausNet is an online community. Visitors to these types of websites consume information very differently. The content is served up to the user in a variety of methods and the user has the ability to customize his/her experience any way they like. The average session time on ClausNet.com is currently 43 minutes. In addition, members visit ClausNet multiple times a day. Again, very different than B2B/B2C sites.


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  • Our picks

    • Published by William B. Gilley in 1821, “The Children’s Friend. Number III. A New-Year’s Present to the Little Ones from Five to Twelve”, is believed to be the first book published in America to include lithographic illustrations. This book includes a poem about “Santeclaus” along with eight colored illustrations.

      However, what makes this book significant is the poem and illustrations are thought to be the earliest known visual representation of Santa Claus in a sleigh pulled by reindeer. The poem also marks Santa’s first appearance on Christmas Day rather than December 6, the feast day of St. Nicholas.


      The Children’s Friend. Number III.
      A New-Year’s Present to the Little Ones from Five to Twelve
      by William B. Gilley, 1821

      Old Santeclaus with much delight
       His reindeer drives this frosty night.
       O’er chimney tops, and tracks of snow,
       To bring his yearly gifts to you.

       The steady friend of virtuous youth,
       The friend of duty, and of truth,
       Each Christmas eve he joys to come
       Where love and peace have made their home”

       Through many houses he has been,
       And various beds and stockings seen,
       Some, white as snow, and neatly mended,
       Others, that seem’d for pigs intended.

       Where e’er I found good girls or boys,
       That hated quarrels, strife and noise,
       Left an apple, or a tart,
       Or wooden gun, or painted cart;

       To some I gave a pretty doll,
       To some a peg-top, or a ball;
       No crackers, cannons, squibs, or rockets,
       To blow their eyes up, or their pockets.

       No drums to stun their Mother’s ear,
      Nor swords to make their sisters fear;
      But pretty books to store their mind
       With knowledge of each various kind.

       But where I found the children naughty,
       In manners rude, in temper haughty,
       Thankless to parents, liars, swearers,
       Boxers, or cheats, or base tale-bearers,

       I left a long, black, birchen rod,
       Such as the dread command of God
       Directs a Parent’s hand to use
       When virtue’s path his sons refuse
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      Here are some DOs and DON'Ts on being Santa

      Treat every child with respect.

      Never make fun of a child.

      Look into the child’s eyes when you speak to them.

      Speak softly. Children are sharing confidences with you.

      Acknowledge a child’s requests even if you don’t understand them.

      Never promise a toy request to avoid a child’s disappointment.

      Never promise a pet. Santas a toymaker and only animals produce pets.

      If the child can’t remember their wish list, assure them you know what they want.

      Never leave a child wondering if Santa heard their Christmas wishes.

      Every child worries about being on Santas “Naughty or Nice List”. Tell each child “You’re on the “Nice List.” It will bring happiness to everyone!   

      Santa Lou Knezevich is the creator of the Legendary Santas Mentoring Program
      Contact Santa Lou at: LegendarySantasMentoringProg@gmail.com
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      Portraying Santa is acting; it is a characterization of a mythical character.

      Most of us never think of ourselves as actors, but we are. Certain characteristics of Santa Claus have been handed down from one generation to another. The way we dress and conduct ourselves all follow an established pattern.

      Santa Claus is one of the most recognizable characters throughout the world. This came about from the advertising campaign of the Coke Cola Company and the creative painting genius, of Haddon Sundblom. Coke Cola was looking to increase winter sales of its soft drink and hired Sundblom to produce illustrations for prominent magazines. These illustrations appeared during the holiday season from the late 1930s into the early 1970s and set the standard for how Santa should look.

      This characterization of Santa with rosy cheeks, a white beard, handlebar mustache plus a red costume trimmed in white fur is the image most everyone has in their minds. Unconsciously people are going to judge you against that image. If your beard isn’t white or you have a soiled suit it will register with the onlooker.

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      The 5 Second Rule

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