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SELL OUT Supermarket shelves empty across UK

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SELL OUT Supermarket shelves empty across UK as shoppers start stockpiling for Christmas and 8million ‘unable to buy essentials’

Source - The Sun

By - Niamh Cavanagh

Date- 09-10-2021

SUPERMARKET shelves across the UK were stripped bare today after Brits took to stockpiling essential goods as the supply crisis continues.

Pictures from stores show empty meat, fruit and frozen food sections as shoppers raided what was left


Empty frozen food shelves in a supermarket today

Throngs of shoppers were spotted pushing trolleys stacked with toilet paper and bottles of water ahead of the festive season.

The latest figures from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) showed that up to eight million Brits have been unable to buy essential food items over the past two weeks - between September 22 and October 3.

Almost a quarter of Brits said they were struggling to find non-essential items.

Earlier this week, it was reported that Brits were already going crackers panic buying turkeys with sales for the frozen fowl skyrocketing more than 400 percent.

With fears Christmas dinner could be "cancelled" due to shortages, thousands have been dashing to supermarkets to stock up early.

Supermarket chain Iceland has revealed sales of frozen turkeys have surged 409 per cent compared to the same time last year, admitting customers are "concerned about food supply", reports the Telegraph.
The frozen-food empire had already increased its order of turkeys by 20 percent in anticipation of soaring demands.

A survey by The Grocer found that a third of people had started stocking up on Christmas food and drink or were planning to by the end of October.

Two-thirds of Brits said they were concerned about the shortages over the festive period.

Meanwhile, loo roll stocks could be under threat again in weeks.


Manufacturers warned they would have no choice but to restrict production to protect their finances as gas and electric prices rocket.

And toilet paper and food packaging are among the items that could be hit hardest — sparking fears of panic buying like seen during the pandemic.

Andrew Large, director-general at the Confederation of Paper Industries, said its members are being “affected very, very severely” by cost increases — and called for an energy price cap for firms to help see them through the winter.

He said: “They’re seeing their costs go up through the roof. It’s damaging their profitability and in some cases, it’s causing them to manage their production rates so as not to expose themselves to the very, very highest costs.”

It comes as Boris Johnson conceded the country's delivery crisis could last months.

Last Sunday the PM said he agreed with Rishi Sunak that the chaos could stretch into the festive period.

The Chancellor has warned the shortages "are very real" and that "we're seeing real disruptions in supply chains in different sectors".

Pressed if he agreed, Mr Johnson told the BBC's Andrew Marr that Mr Sunak was "right... but it depends how you interpret what he's saying."

He was only confident that Christmas "will be considerably better" than last year - when snap Covid restrictions banned travel for millions.

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Oh well, here we go again, Im sure most of this is media hype which in turn creates the panic buying, grrrrrrrrrrrrr

Im so pleased I purchased the last 200 toilet rolls in our local shop :) 

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Because if it 's happening over their, it's only a matter of time until it's happening over here. With our Thanksgiving also being thrown into the mix and then a month later Christmas and then in one week the new year, I plan on being on a REALLY GOOD DIET THAT MONTH, WEATHER I WANT TO OR NOT!!!

Merry Christmas Laughing GIF by Sky Radio

Edited by Schwindy
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17 hours ago, Schwindy said:


You crack me up Schwindy ... thank you!!!

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8 hours ago, Santa Timothy SC said:

You crack me up Schwindy ... thank you!!!


jim carrey hello GIF

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9 hours ago, Schwindy said:


jim carrey hello GIF

Im so pleased you are lol

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10 hours ago, Schwindy said:


A worthy mission in life Schwindy

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  • 3 months later...

I went shopping for the first time after the holidays, today.  I went to a couple of stores where I buy the usual products for daily use.  I was met with all masked personnel, and almost all customers masked as well.  I pulled mine out of my pocket and donned it to be polite to everyone.  I was surprised to see a lot of empty spaces on the shelves.  So many products not in stock.  I've lately been buying a few things on line, and have found "unavailable" listed quite often.  Things I have ordered seem to  take a long time to get here.  Is this our new world?  I guess we'll adapt.  What are you experiencing?

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18 minutes ago, Santa Craig Maxwell said:

I went shopping for the first time after the holidays, today.  I went to a couple of stores where I buy the usual products for daily use.  I was met with all masked personnel, and almost all customers masked as well.  I pulled mine out of my pocket and donned it to be polite to everyone.  I was surprised to see a lot of empty spaces on the shelves.  So many products not in stock.  I've lately been buying a few things on line, and have found "unavailable" listed quite often.  Things I have ordered seem to  take a long time to get here.  Is this our new world?  I guess we'll adapt.  What are you experiencing?

I think one of the problems over here, is the press scare mongering. One mention of potential shortages, and whoosh, panic buying, which results in huge gaps in supply. The most recent event here was the potential fuel shortages, what happened, mass panic, petrol stations ran out of fuel.

Its similar in the little village where I live, you can bet your bottom dollar, if the weather forecast mentions snow, within 2-3 hour the village has nothing left in it but the ice in the freezer section  
I never panic buy, its not worth it.

That reminds me Craig, I need toilet rolls, We are down to our last 250 rolls  
(Yes I know what you are thinking Craig, with the rubbish I spout out they willl be gone in a week) lol

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2 hours ago, Santa Craig Maxwell said:

I went shopping for the first time after the holidays, today.  I went to a couple of stores where I buy the usual products for daily use.  I was met with all masked personnel, and almost all customers masked as well.  I pulled mine out of my pocket and donned it to be polite to everyone.  I was surprised to see a lot of empty spaces on the shelves.  So many products not in stock.  I've lately been buying a few things on line, and have found "unavailable" listed quite often.  Things I have ordered seem to  take a long time to get here.  Is this our new world?  I guess we'll adapt.  What are you experiencing?

I understand very well.

I work in the dairy for a regional grocery chain in my town (been with the company for 46 years) and have never seen what has been going on the past 2 year.  Things have gotten better since a year ago, but still have supply issues.  Last week on one of my deliveries I received 230 cases of merchandise and there was 120 items that were out of stock from one warehouse we receive freight from.  My orange juice section was empty.  Some items have not been coming in while others have been coming in with no problems.  Some items were coming without problems and then for a period of time they stopped coming in.  It seams some items are being allocated and we’re only getting a few, but not near what is needed, so it is the luck of the draw if the customers are in the store when we have them.  It is really a crazy time.  Frustrating for the customers and for the store employees not being able to help the customer with what they need.  Most customers are understanding, but then there are some that are not.

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    • Published by William B. Gilley in 1821, “The Children’s Friend. Number III. A New-Year’s Present to the Little Ones from Five to Twelve”, is believed to be the first book published in America to include lithographic illustrations. This book includes a poem about “Santeclaus” along with eight colored illustrations.

      However, what makes this book significant is the poem and illustrations are thought to be the earliest known visual representation of Santa Claus in a sleigh pulled by reindeer. The poem also marks Santa’s first appearance on Christmas Day rather than December 6, the feast day of St. Nicholas.


      The Children’s Friend. Number III.
      A New-Year’s Present to the Little Ones from Five to Twelve
      by William B. Gilley, 1821

      Old Santeclaus with much delight
       His reindeer drives this frosty night.
       O’er chimney tops, and tracks of snow,
       To bring his yearly gifts to you.

       The steady friend of virtuous youth,
       The friend of duty, and of truth,
       Each Christmas eve he joys to come
       Where love and peace have made their home”

       Through many houses he has been,
       And various beds and stockings seen,
       Some, white as snow, and neatly mended,
       Others, that seem’d for pigs intended.

       Where e’er I found good girls or boys,
       That hated quarrels, strife and noise,
       Left an apple, or a tart,
       Or wooden gun, or painted cart;

       To some I gave a pretty doll,
       To some a peg-top, or a ball;
       No crackers, cannons, squibs, or rockets,
       To blow their eyes up, or their pockets.

       No drums to stun their Mother’s ear,
      Nor swords to make their sisters fear;
      But pretty books to store their mind
       With knowledge of each various kind.

       But where I found the children naughty,
       In manners rude, in temper haughty,
       Thankless to parents, liars, swearers,
       Boxers, or cheats, or base tale-bearers,

       I left a long, black, birchen rod,
       Such as the dread command of God
       Directs a Parent’s hand to use
       When virtue’s path his sons refuse
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    • 10 Essentials to Being a Better Santa
      Here are some DOs and DON'Ts on being Santa

      Treat every child with respect.

      Never make fun of a child.

      Look into the child’s eyes when you speak to them.

      Speak softly. Children are sharing confidences with you.

      Acknowledge a child’s requests even if you don’t understand them.

      Never promise a toy request to avoid a child’s disappointment.

      Never promise a pet. Santas a toymaker and only animals produce pets.

      If the child can’t remember their wish list, assure them you know what they want.

      Never leave a child wondering if Santa heard their Christmas wishes.

      Every child worries about being on Santas “Naughty or Nice List”. Tell each child “You’re on the “Nice List.” It will bring happiness to everyone!   

      Santa Lou Knezevich is the creator of the Legendary Santas Mentoring Program
      Contact Santa Lou at: LegendarySantasMentoringProg@gmail.com
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    • How do You Portray Santa?
      Portraying Santa is acting; it is a characterization of a mythical character.

      Most of us never think of ourselves as actors, but we are. Certain characteristics of Santa Claus have been handed down from one generation to another. The way we dress and conduct ourselves all follow an established pattern.

      Santa Claus is one of the most recognizable characters throughout the world. This came about from the advertising campaign of the Coke Cola Company and the creative painting genius, of Haddon Sundblom. Coke Cola was looking to increase winter sales of its soft drink and hired Sundblom to produce illustrations for prominent magazines. These illustrations appeared during the holiday season from the late 1930s into the early 1970s and set the standard for how Santa should look.

      This characterization of Santa with rosy cheeks, a white beard, handlebar mustache plus a red costume trimmed in white fur is the image most everyone has in their minds. Unconsciously people are going to judge you against that image. If your beard isn’t white or you have a soiled suit it will register with the onlooker.

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      No matter how you portray Santa, be it home visits, schools, churches, parades, corporate events, malls, hospitals we all make an entrance and an impression! The initial impression we make determines if our client will ask us to return.

      The 5 Second Rule

      I have a theory: When you enter the presence of your audience you have about 5 seconds to make people believe you are the real Santa.
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