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ClausNet Podcast Series Finale

Michael Rielly

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Episode 16 is now online. Sadly, this will be the last episode of the ClausNet Podcast. I want to thank Greg Martin aka @RadioSanta for all his hard work and effort in developing, producing, directing, and hosting the podcast.

Everyone please join me in thanking Greg for bringing the podcast to our community. :D


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  • Michael Rielly changed the title to ClausNet Podcast Series Finale

Thank you brother! While it saddens me I understand the struggles of keeping this going! Much love for you brother!

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It is really sad that this is the end of the podcast. It is a terrible disservice that has been done to all Santa's young and old who want to hone their craft and make it better by those who would not support it. Some people did not appreciate the topics that were covered in these podcasts and that is terrible. Time marches on and environments change. People change. You don't have to like the change but you do have to deal with it. And shutting it down or not supporting it is a despicable answer to not liking what is being discussed.

 Being unable to accept new ways of learning or new ways of thinking or new ways of doing things leads to stagnation and despair. Stagnation in that no one grows educationally and ignorance begins to take hold. Despair in that new Santa's will look for education and it won't be available because some could not accept different things.

 I'll be honest, it is really bothersome to me that this podcast did not last longer. I find it absolutely heartbreaking. Someone such as myself who loves to learn is always seeking out new things and new ways of doing things. I have books and books and books. But there's something special about inviting someone into your life via podcast and allowing them to share something of themselves with you. 

Thank you, Greg for all that you have done. You put together a fabulous program and I am so proud to have been able to participate in the program by supporting it financially and by downloading it and listening to each program many times. Hold your head high, sir. You did a wonderful job.

Edited by Black Hills Santa
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Greg @RadioSanta understand about life's changes in your family priorities. Praying for your family, hope you the best.

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Thank you for all you have done. I will greatly miss the podcasts.

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Ty Thank You GIF

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2 hours ago, Black Hills Santa said:


It is really sad that this is the end of the podcast. It is a terrible disservice that has been done to all Santa's young and old who want to hone their craft and make it better by those who would not support it. Some people did not appreciate the topics that were covered in these podcasts and that is terrible. Time marches on and environments change. People change. You don't have to like the change but you do have to deal with it. And shutting it down or not supporting it is a despicable answer to not liking what is being discussed.

 Being unable to accept new ways of learning or new ways of thinking or new ways of doing things leads to stagnation and despair. Stagnation in that no one grows educationally and ignorance begins to take hold. Despair in that new Santa's will look for education and it won't be available because some could not accept different things.

 I'll be honest, it is really bothersome to me that this podcast did not last longer. I find it absolutely heartbreaking. Someone such as myself who loves to learn is always seeking out new things and new ways of doing things. I have books and books and books. But there's something special about inviting someone into your life via podcast and allowing them to share something of themselves with you. 

Thank you, Greg for all that you have done. You put together a fabulous program and I am so proud to have been able to participate in the program by supporting it financially and by downloading it and listening to each program many times. Hold your head high, sir. You did a wonderful job.

Amen. Wise words, Jason. The only caveat (such as it is) would be that some are unable to support it for various reasons (money, time, and so forth), and, without knowing their situation, with money being a bit tight and all, I'd humbly (and I do mean very humbly) ask for caution. Of course, you surely know that. Still, just because some can't support the podcast (or even ClausNet as a whole), doesn't mean that gives the rest of us an excuse to not support good educational resources when and where we can.

Others (like me), who are new to ClausNet and starting to find our way around here may not always have such a valuable resource on our radar simply because there's just so much good material to wade through. While I did love the podcast, I didn't drop in for a listen quite as much as I probably should have (a lot going on at the moment). That's my (and our) loss. With all that said, I understand and mostly agree with your words. They're words all of us need to hear, anyways. Thanks. ❤️

On the matter of personal growth, it shocks me to know some of our brothers (and sisters) don't desire to gain more knowledge in their chosen vocation. When we stop learning, then we stop growing. I think Leon Mcbryde said, once, that when you don't grow, all that's left is to rot (or something like that). I agree. It's also a shame we, as a community, still struggle to accept different points-of-view (and we're all guilty of it to some degree or another). Heck, I remember the "Santa wars" (as the media dubbed it) in the mid-2000's between traditional and real bearded Santa's. Of course, with so much time passing, my memory's getting foggier on the details, but still, I'd have thought we, as a community, would've moved passed all that by now. I mean, what are we going to divide over next? Our community needs to come together, especially nowadays.

One thing that I've learned is this: we should support such resources when we can, lest we lose them forever. Indeed, if we're not ready and willing to learn, then we truly are doomed to fulfill the proverb, "First comes pride, then disgrace; but with the humble is wisdom" (Prov. 11:2). The proud "Santa" (I use the term loosely) thinks he knows all there is to know and he doesn't need to learn any more. The truly humble Santa realizes that he's part of a community much bigger than himself, that all of those who have come before him and will come after him are his brothers (not his enemies), and that if he really wants to learn anything, he will cultivate fellowship (both secular and religious) with his peers and mentors.

If those who take on the mantle of Santa dishonor their chosen vocation, they deserve the disgrace that will rightly befall them (in whatever form it can take). Sadly, the rest of our community can sometimes suffer as the result of one man's foolish or sinful choices. Yet, if those who take on the mantle of Santa seek to honor and respect and cherish the work they do (knowing they ultimately work for the One who sent them), they will be blessed in what they do. May we meditate on such things when we serve the little ones the Father gives into our arms.

Lastly (yes, yes, I know I'm windy 😄), thank you, Greg, for such a good podcast. I'm sorry to see it go. I'll definitely do what I can to support ClausNet (somewhere, sometime) in the future. God bless you all.

Edited by Sundblom Santa
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Sincere thanks to you Greg for providing one of the best podcasts I have ever listened too. The time, effort, dedication, professionalism and research you employed to bring the show together was outstanding. 

Im sure the loss of the podcast is as disappointing to you as it is to its followers'

You offered a wide range for topics, all relevant and on the mark, some topics representing a challenge to some, questioning long held beliefs and stereo types, eg Gender and pro nouns etc in a well balanced, progressive and enlightening manner.

Advice sections, were fabulous and so so educative for long term Santa's and those just beginning their journey of Santa portrayal, all invaluable information and advice which I have taken onboard, which in turn have enhanced my own Santa persona.

And then to the light-hearted, but meaningful aspects, for example, the episode relating to Mrs Claus/ Santa Wives, one of the best podcasts for me.

In short the podcasts were and will remain a super valuable asset,

Like many others, @Black Hills Santa et al, I will miss the podcasts, something I looked forward too each month.

I hope your life experiences and challenges progress positively for you and your family, Greg  I send prayers to you all and hope all you wish for comes true. Take care my friend.

It is a terrible shame that the podcast did not receive the wider support it richly deserved and as the saying goes, if you dont support it, it will go and sadly it has.

Thanks again Greg, I hope you continue to contribute to the ClausNet community in another form and hope to see you in the forums, PLEASE.

Take care, you are a Top Santa.

PS; this is a prime example of how without support, resources can and will come to an end. Please support the ClausNet site in anyway you can, become a supporter, make a donation, miss a coffee and purchase a raffle ticket, every little helps, and the pay off is the amazing resource that is the ClausNet community.

:( :( :( 


Edited by Rob Thompson
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There are no words that can truly express just how grateful i am for having the podcasts that @RadioSanta Greg has done. I was so hoping each and every month to hear these and look forward to them. However, I understand that there is a time for everything. Greg you are in my prayers and your family I hope we hear many more great things from you in the future. I am sad to the podcast end, yet many times where there is an end for one thing, there is a beginning for another. Greg I pray you and your family have an amazingly blessed future as you dedicate yourself to whatever is in your future including the spread of joy as you continue to be Santa!.

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Content is awesome. Subjects are timely and a lot of consideration goes into them.  Plus, the head Podcast Elf sounds really good, too.  Darn it.  I'm going to miss it.

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Thank you @RadioSanta for all the hard work you poured into the podcast. It was obviously a labor of love. The topics you discussed and your guests were fantastic and caused me to pause for thought more than once. Also thank you to the many sponsors of the podcast.

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Thanks Greg.


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Thank for all time and effort you put into these podcasts!!!   I did enjoy them!!!  

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Thank you Greg @RadioSanta! Top notch job with each and every podcast.  

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If anyone is interested in taking over the podcast, message me. I would love to keep it going, but I don't have the bandwidth.

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On 3/5/2022 at 4:00 PM, Michael Rielly said:

If anyone is interested in taking over the podcast, message me. I would love to keep it going, but I don't have the bandwidth.

Something I also wish I  had the bandwidth to undertake. I wonder, if no one has the capacity to take it on a regular basis, perhaps there may be volunteers to work on a monthly rota, each one prep their own podcast etc.

I appreciate there may be potential issues re duplication, but Im sure with a little thought that could be overcome.

I wonder if the monthly Zoom meetings could be incorporated in someway? @Bigadamonbass has already suggested having discussion topics etc which I think is a great idea, perhaps it can be developed further with a little more support

Greg will be a hard act to to follow

Edited by Rob Thompson
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  • 1 month later...
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Sure Im not alone with this, but  Im really missing Gregs Pod Casts :( 


Edited by Rob Thompson
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    • Published by William B. Gilley in 1821, “The Children’s Friend. Number III. A New-Year’s Present to the Little Ones from Five to Twelve”, is believed to be the first book published in America to include lithographic illustrations. This book includes a poem about “Santeclaus” along with eight colored illustrations.

      However, what makes this book significant is the poem and illustrations are thought to be the earliest known visual representation of Santa Claus in a sleigh pulled by reindeer. The poem also marks Santa’s first appearance on Christmas Day rather than December 6, the feast day of St. Nicholas.


      The Children’s Friend. Number III.
      A New-Year’s Present to the Little Ones from Five to Twelve
      by William B. Gilley, 1821

      Old Santeclaus with much delight
       His reindeer drives this frosty night.
       O’er chimney tops, and tracks of snow,
       To bring his yearly gifts to you.

       The steady friend of virtuous youth,
       The friend of duty, and of truth,
       Each Christmas eve he joys to come
       Where love and peace have made their home”

       Through many houses he has been,
       And various beds and stockings seen,
       Some, white as snow, and neatly mended,
       Others, that seem’d for pigs intended.

       Where e’er I found good girls or boys,
       That hated quarrels, strife and noise,
       Left an apple, or a tart,
       Or wooden gun, or painted cart;

       To some I gave a pretty doll,
       To some a peg-top, or a ball;
       No crackers, cannons, squibs, or rockets,
       To blow their eyes up, or their pockets.

       No drums to stun their Mother’s ear,
      Nor swords to make their sisters fear;
      But pretty books to store their mind
       With knowledge of each various kind.

       But where I found the children naughty,
       In manners rude, in temper haughty,
       Thankless to parents, liars, swearers,
       Boxers, or cheats, or base tale-bearers,

       I left a long, black, birchen rod,
       Such as the dread command of God
       Directs a Parent’s hand to use
       When virtue’s path his sons refuse
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    • 10 Essentials to Being a Better Santa
      Here are some DOs and DON'Ts on being Santa

      Treat every child with respect.

      Never make fun of a child.

      Look into the child’s eyes when you speak to them.

      Speak softly. Children are sharing confidences with you.

      Acknowledge a child’s requests even if you don’t understand them.

      Never promise a toy request to avoid a child’s disappointment.

      Never promise a pet. Santas a toymaker and only animals produce pets.

      If the child can’t remember their wish list, assure them you know what they want.

      Never leave a child wondering if Santa heard their Christmas wishes.

      Every child worries about being on Santas “Naughty or Nice List”. Tell each child “You’re on the “Nice List.” It will bring happiness to everyone!   

      Santa Lou Knezevich is the creator of the Legendary Santas Mentoring Program
      Contact Santa Lou at: LegendarySantasMentoringProg@gmail.com
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    • How do You Portray Santa?
      Portraying Santa is acting; it is a characterization of a mythical character.

      Most of us never think of ourselves as actors, but we are. Certain characteristics of Santa Claus have been handed down from one generation to another. The way we dress and conduct ourselves all follow an established pattern.

      Santa Claus is one of the most recognizable characters throughout the world. This came about from the advertising campaign of the Coke Cola Company and the creative painting genius, of Haddon Sundblom. Coke Cola was looking to increase winter sales of its soft drink and hired Sundblom to produce illustrations for prominent magazines. These illustrations appeared during the holiday season from the late 1930s into the early 1970s and set the standard for how Santa should look.

      This characterization of Santa with rosy cheeks, a white beard, handlebar mustache plus a red costume trimmed in white fur is the image most everyone has in their minds. Unconsciously people are going to judge you against that image. If your beard isn’t white or you have a soiled suit it will register with the onlooker.

      By the way, the majority of Sundblom's paintings depict Santa with a Brown Belt and Brown Boots. Not until his later illustrations did he change the color to Black for these items. Within the past few years many costume companies have offered the Coke Cola Suit and it has become very popular. You can tell it by the large buttons and absence of fur down the front of the jacket.

      No matter how you portray Santa, be it home visits, schools, churches, parades, corporate events, malls, hospitals we all make an entrance and an impression! The initial impression we make determines if our client will ask us to return.

      The 5 Second Rule

      I have a theory: When you enter the presence of your audience you have about 5 seconds to make people believe you are the real Santa.
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    • Not Everyone Can Be Santa!
      Yes, I said it and it is not meant to hurt anyone’s feelings. I do view many Facebook sites along with websites and posted photos. Frankly, many of these postings should have never been put on public display.
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      Every New Year’s Eve at the stroke of midnight, millions around the world traditionally gather together to sing the same song, “Auld Lang Syne”. As revilers mumble though the song’s versus, it often brings many of them to tears – regardless of the fact that most don’t know or even understand the lyrics. Confusion over the song’s lyrics is almost as much of a tradition as the song itself. Of course that rarely stops anyone from joining in.
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