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Mikee's Mutterings

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About this blog

Occasional radon thoughts and musings about life, especially as it relates to Santahood.

Entries in this blog

Another Saturday... and a Busy Week

When I started out this blog, I promised myself that I would post to it religiously once a week.  Of course, I immediately broke that promise, posting more frequently that first week, and then missing my weekly check-in by a couple of days last week.  I have my reasons...  Too much to say the one time, and dealing with an auto accident my wife was involved in the later.  However, this week, I'm going to post on time. As the title of this entry suggests, I've had an eventful week.  Yes, my w

Santa MikeE

Santa MikeE

Ho Ho Ho.

At one point or another, either here in my blog, or somewhere in the forum, I'm certain that I have mentioned that I am a Toastmaster.  Currently a member of two clubs, as well as being the co-manager of the District 37 Bookstore.  This evening, I took the opportunity to present a speech on the topic of Santa Claus.  This is the text that I had written out yesterday.  Much of what I presented was extemporaneous.  The speech was scheduled to go 15 - 20 minutes, for the project "Speaking to Entert

Santa MikeE

Santa MikeE

Happy New Year

Happy New Year... or at least it will be, a couple of hours after I complete this post. I am an incessant planner.  Just my nature... always has been.  After I decide to pursue a course... say, joining the ranks of Santa Claus, I try to analyze how that's going to work, as opposed to the guy who just starts doing it.  I know, I know... I end up winging it half the time anyway, with all my fancy spreadsheets and schedules thrown to the wind.  But I'm still going to do it... in part because I

Santa MikeE

Santa MikeE

Saturday Night... Christmas Eve

Yes, its Saturday night.  Christmas Eve.  Mrs. Santa is already in bed, and the kids are not tucked in their beds.  Of course, kids are somewhat of a misnomer, since they are both technically adults now.  They'll undoubtedly still be up long after I finally give up the ghost in a little while. I determined the other day that I would make a blog entry once a week... specifically on Saturday night, when I didn't have anything else scheduled.  You see, Monday is Toastmasters.  Tuesday is free,

Santa MikeE

Santa MikeE

A HAM's Night Before Christmas

Yes, I know that I promised myself to only post every week or so, but I can't help myself.  This definitely doesn't fit in elsewhere in the Forum, but I thought you might enjoy it anyway.  As I mentioned in my introduction, I am an Amateur Radio (HAM) Operator (KK4ETS), and have a number of contacts in that field.  One of the local hams (Gary Pearce KN4AQ) wrote this variation of The Night Before Christmas.  Not the only Ham Radio related version, but the only one by a person I have met personal

Santa MikeE

Santa MikeE

Time to be Santa

Some people are natural Santas.  Others have to grow into the position.  I am one of the later. I am 58 years old this year.  I am one of those guys who has worn a beard for most of his adult life (grew up in Alaska, where such things are not uncommon).  After an all expense paid vacation courtesy of Uncle Sam back in the 80's, I worked in Alaska, California, Oregon, and California again before moving with my wife and family to North Carolina.  As I've grown older, my beard has become greye

Santa MikeE

Santa MikeE

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