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Labor Day -Summers is Over

Santa TJS

Viewed: 974 times

Well summer is about to end and fall will be upon us before we know it.I have already seen the fall decorations ,yes and even Halloween candy in the supermarket.I am already deep in the planning stages for the 2008 season with new custom suit belt and boots already in the closet waiting for the first official use. I have my first booking on November 15th an all day Christmas bizzar and craft show. I will be sitting for photos with the proceeds going to a church charity and acting as an official greeter. Should be a good time, the organizers liked my photos and admitted they had someone dress as Santa last year in a cheezy suit,their words not mine The long week end will see the traditional end of summer cook out and soon the leaves will fall and before you know the Christmas items will be on the shelves probably by late September. The anticipation is the best part.


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