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Its Beginning To Look A Lot Like Santa

Santa MikeE

Viewed: 936 times

Did I mention last time that I expected to have a busy week?  It was.

Thursday afternoon, I drove out to Highpoint, NC to have my beard whitened.  Something over an hour drive, and then about 2 hours for the treatment.  Would have been longer if I had done the top, but I only need my beard white for photos in a couple of weeks.  I won't even worry too much about keeping it white until October time frame, when I can plan to get everything done in preparation for the season.

Ron Campbell loaned me a vest and great coat combination to use as a pattern to create my own this week.  My wife and I went down to the fabric store this morning to see what they had in the way of Santa appropriate fabrics.  We found one pattern that we figured we could make into a vest, so we picked up enough to make a couple, as well as some thinner plain red cotton to practice on. 


We didn't see faux fur there today, so I went online a ordered a yard to give us something to work with.  I don't think there's anyway we can get anything finished before my scheduled picture day (March 4), but plenty of time before the Christmas season begins in November.  Meanwhile, I'll just have to make due with the off the shelf cheap Santa Suit.


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