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Mikee's Mutterings

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You've Got To Move It

Santa MikeE

Viewed: 943 times

Once again, another week has passed, and I progress toward being Santa.

Over the last week, many of the items I ordered online have come in.  Things like a Santa Claus makeup kit, various items to build costumes (faux fur, specialty needles, boot cuffs), and best of all, a message that my round eyeglasses have shipped.  This last is great because I'll be able to see while having my professional photos taken (assuming the post office can get them here in less than 2 weeks).  If they don't come in, I'll have to use costume glasses that I picked up, which don't do anything for my sight.

What else have I been doing?  I finally broke down and bought web space on WIX, and a domain name to go with it.  MrsClausPlusSanta.com is now registered in my name, and the basic framework for the site is up, along with some material that I have been able to accumulate or appropriate from examples set by other Santa's.  If you look at it at the time of this post, it doesn't look like much, since there are no pictures (except one selfie), and I haven't really worked on the text yet that much.  After picture day, I should be able to start alleviating that lack, but I also need to work with my partner, (Merry) Lou.  After I get pictures up, and the site in a more presentable state, I'll post the URL as part of my profile.


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